Results: 3610

Control de presión arterial intensivo versus estándar y resultados de enfermedad cardiovascular en adultos mayores de 75 años
Intensive vs standard blood pressure control and cardiovascular disease outcomes in adults aged ≥75 years

Mejoría en la supervivencia de los pacientes con paro cardiaco extra-hospitalario luego de políticas educativas en la comunidad en Carolina del Norte
Increase in patient survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest following educational policies in the community of North Carolina

Maternal complications and cesarean section without indication: systematic review and meta-analysis

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to determine the risks of severe acute maternal complications associated with cesarean section without medical indication. METHODS A systematic review was carried out with meta-analysis. The literature search was performed systematically, in multiple s...

Caracterización de las pacientes con cáncer de ovario. Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico "Ramón González Coro" 2001-2013
Characterization of patients with ovarian cancer. Gyneco-obstetric Hospital "Ramón González Coro" 2001-2013

Rev. medica electron; 39 (supl.1), 2017
Introducción: actualmente en Cuba y en todo el mundo, el cáncer de ovario representa la octava causa más importante de neoplasias malignas en la mujer, pero es la cuarta causa relacionada con la mortalidad. Objetivo: identificar el comportamiento por tipos histológicos y por tratamientos del cáncer ...

Quality of the record of data on fatal workplace injuries in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the quality of the data on fatal workplace injuries in Brazil, in the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Information System of Notifiable Diseases (SINAN-AT), analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution between 2007 and 2012. METHODS We identified fields relat...

Estimated costs of advanced lung cancer care in a public reference hospital

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the direct medical costs of advanced non-small cell lung cancer care. METHODS We assessed a cohort of 277 patients treated in the Brazilian National Cancer Institute in 2011. The costs were estimated from the perspective of the hospital as a service provider of reference ...