Results: 5129

Mieloma múltiple en Chile: pasado, presente y futuro del programa nacional de drogas antineoplásicas (PANDA). Revisión de 1.103 pacientes

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (7), 2018
Background: Multiple myeloma (MM) is one of the most common malignancies found in hematology. Aim: To describe the features of patients with MM and perform a survival analysis according to the different treatment protocols used between 2000 and 2016. Material and Methods: Analysis of the database of th...

Farmacovigilancia activa de metoclopramida 10 mg oral en pacientes del Programa de Alivio del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos o diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en cinco hospitales del Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar-Quillota

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (7), 2018
Background: In 2013 the Chilean regulatory sanitary agency issued a warning concerning dose adjustment and use restriction to avoid severe adverse effects of metoclopramide such tardive dyskinesia. Aim: To study dyskinesia type adverse effects in a population using metoclopramide. Material and Methods:...

Medicina traslacional e innovación en salud: mecanismos y perspectivas

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (7), 2018
Many new discoveries in Life Sciences cannot be translated into products, services or new applications to improve human health. Translational medicine, defined as "from bench to bedside", refers to the transfer of results or new knowledge achieved in the laboratory into health innovation. We aim to revie...

Aplicación de grafos acíclicos dirigidos en la evaluación de un set mínimo de ajuste de confusores: un complemento al modelamiento estadístico en estudios epidemiológicos observacionales

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (7), 2018
Background: Confusion in observational epidemiological studies distorts the relationship between exposure and event. "Step by step" regression models, diverts the decision to a statistical algorithm with little causal basis. Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), qualitatively and visually assess the confusion....

Jurisprudencia sobre transfusión de sangre y consentimiento informado de Testigos de Jehová

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (7), 2018
The law N° 20.584 established the informed consent. This could suggest that patients have a right to refuse a blood transfusion. However, the dominant jurisprudence in protection claims filed against Jehovah Witnesses who rejected a blood transfusion, reveals that they do not have such a right. There we...

Educación médica y diversidad cultural en Chile: un diálogo pendiente

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (7), 2018
Medical education in Chile has a good research productivity. National educators are skilled in complex curricular design processes and in didactic innovation. However, the question of what it means to be doctor in a society that moves towards interculturality, has not been addressed thoroughly. Using the...

Hallazgo de una nueva mutación en una familia chilena con diabetes monogénica: caso clínico

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (7), 2018
We report a 21 years old woman, without offspring, with diabetes mellitus diagnosed at 17 years of age, without ketosis or weight loss. Her body mass index was 18 kg/m2. Her C peptide was normal (2.3 ng/ml) and diabetes mellitus type 1 autoantibodies were negative. A monogenic diabetes Maturity Onset Dia...

Fibrosis pulmonar aguda asociada a intoxicación por Paraquat: caso clínico

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (7), 2018
Paraquat, a non-selective bipyridyl pesticide, is one of the leading causes of death from intoxication in many parts of Asia and America. It is the second most sold herbicide worldwide, being widely used in Chile. Its ingestion generates toxicity due to the release of superoxide radicals, mainly affectin...