Results: 435

Inorganic elemental analysis and identification of residual monomers released from different glass ionomer cements in cell culture medium

Introduction: Glass ionomer cements (GICs) release inorganic elements and organic residual monomers with the potential for deleterious effects on pulp cells. Objective: To identify and quantify inorganic elements present in different GICs and released components from these materials in cell culture mediu...

Hipoparatiroidismo primario asociado a convulsiones

Acta méd. colomb; 38 (3), 2013
Resumen Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 31 años, sano hasta hace cuatro años, cuando inicia episodios de convulsiones tonicoclónicas generalizadas con episodios de tetania, espasmo carpo pedal, mialgias, pérdida progresiva de la agudeza visual bilateral y cambios del comportamiento con mutismo y ...

Vitamin D deficiency in risk groups living in tropical curaçao

West Indian med. j; 62 (3), 2013
OBJECTIVE: Curaçao (12 degrees 10N, 69 degrees 0W) is characterized by whole year abundant sunshine (8-10 hours/day). We challenged the automatic assumption that people living in tropical countries do not have a high risk of vitamin D deficiency, and investigated the vitamin D status in a tropical envir...

Vitamin D deficiency rickets in infants presenting with hypocalcaemic convulsions

West Indian med. j; 62 (3), 2013
AIM: Hypocalcaemia evaluation of the clinical, biochemical and radiological features of 91 infants with rickets who presented as hypocalcaemic convulsions. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Ninety-one hypocalcaemic infants who were brought to hospital with convulsion and diag-nosed with rickets related to vitamin D ...

Coledocolitiasis y colangitis como complicación del uso de ceftriaxona en niños: reporte de caso

Infectio; 16 (3), 2012
La ceftriaxona es ampliamente usada en pediatría debido a su espectro de acción, larga vida media y buena penetración en los sitios donde se asientan las infecciones más frecuentes. Es bien tolerada, aunque, con frecuencia, en niños que la reciben, se presenta barro biliar y pseudocolelitiasis. Esto...

Microscopic analysis of opacification in Ioflex® hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lenses

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 71 (3), 2012
Five cases of intraocular lens (IOL) opacification in patients implanted with the Mediphacos Ioflex® IOL are described. Clinical data in each case was obtained from the patient's medical record. The five explanted IOLs underwent gross and light microscopic analysis. Selected lenses were processed for fu...

Análisis de la variación de los niveles de calcio durante el embarazo en una población hospitalaria
Analysis of the variations in calcium levels during pregnancy in a hospital population

La mujer embarazada constituye un reservorio de minerales para la formación de su hijo. El aporte inadecuado de diversos nutrientes durante la gesta, puede afectar tanto al bebé como a la madre. El embarazo y la lactancia son etapas del ciclo reproductivo donde se registran cambios significativos en el...

Effect of articaine on calcium transport in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes isolated from medial pterygoid muscle

Acta odontol. latinoam; 25 (1), 2012
Local anesthetics used in dentistry have myotoxic effects. Articaine, also known as carticaine, is one of the local anesthetics most widely used in clinical dentistry. The aim of this work was to describe its effect on the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase isolated from medial pterygoid muscle. Ca-ATPase ...