Results: 2525

Chortalidona em baixas doses no tratamento da hipertensäo arterial essencial leve a moderada em pacientes idosos
Chortalidone in low doses in the treatment of mild to moderate essential arterial hypertension in elderly patients

Arq. bras. cardiol; 50 (6), 1988

Aspectos preventivos em cardiologia
Preventive aspects in cardiology

Arq. bras. cardiol; 50 (1), 1988

The efficacy and acceptability of Perindopril for the treatment of essential hypertension in a Caribbean population

Angiotensin converting enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs) are reported to have a lower efficacy in black hypertensive patients, particularly in monotherapy. However, no studies have examined the efficacy of ACEIs in a Caribbean population. A dose titration study was performed with perindopril in the English and D...

Slavery, salt, and survival: a hypothesis of the greater prevalence of high blood pressure in Western Hemisphere blacks

High blood pressure of unknown cause (essential hypertension) is the major chronic illness contributing to premature morbidity and mortality in Western Hemisphere Blacks. As a group, Blacks in the Western hemisphere have higher mean blood pressure levels than Blacks from Sub-Sahara Africa where essential...