Results: 261

Molecular analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus dissemination among healthcare professionals and/or HIV patients from a tertiary hospital

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a nosocomial pathogen in community settings. MRSA colonized individuals may contribute to its dissemination; the risk of MRSA infection is increased in human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) ...

Incidence of sepsis following transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy at a tertiary-care medical center in Lebanon

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (1), 2016
ABSTRACT Background Urosepsis is a rare but life-threatening complication following transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided needle prostate biopsy. Despite the technological and pharmacological improvements, the problem of bacterial urosepsis after prostate biopsy remains. A strategy for preventing urosep...

Survival following orbital exenteration at a tertiary brazilian hospital

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 43 (1), 2016
Objective: to analyze the epidemiology, clinical features and survival rate of patients undergoing orbital exenteration (OE) in a tertiary referral hospital. Methods : we conducted a retrospective study of all patients undergoing OE at the Hospital das Clínicas, FMUSP between January 2007 and December...

Desfechos cardiovasculares em pacientes tratados com intervenção percutânea coronária primária em hospital geral terciário

Introdução: Existem poucos dados nacionais a respeito dos resultados da intervenção coronária percutânea (ICP) primária, e os registros são uma ótima ferramenta para a avaliação do perfil dos pacientes e dos desfechos pós-procedimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o perfil dos pacien...

La regla de decisión clínica Ottawa HSA podría ayudar a detectar pacientes con hemorragia subaracnoidea que debutan con cefalea aguda
Ottawa SAH clinical decision rule could help to detect subarachnoid hemorrhage patients presenting with acute headache

Variables associated with health-related quality of life in a Brazilian sample of patients from a tertiary outpatient clinic for depression and anxiety disorders

Introduction: Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) assessment tools have been broadly used in the medical context. These tools are used to measure the subjective impact of the disease on patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variables associated with HRQOL in a Brazilian sample of p...

Cumplimiento de criterios de admisión y alta complejidad en la Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios Pediátricos del Hospital El Cruce

Rev. Hosp. El Cruce; (17), 2015
El objetivo fue evaluar si los pacientes admitidos en la Unidad de Cuidados intermedios pediátricos (CIPED) reunieron los criterios de admisión a la misma, cumplieron con criterios de alta complejidad definidos ad-hoc y pudieron ser incluidos dentro de los “centros de referencia nacional” del plan ...

Epidemiology of angioedema without wheals in an allergy and immunology center

Medicina (B.Aires); 75 (5), 2015
We describe the diagnostic epidemiology, the clinical course, the family history and the response to treatment of patients with angioedema without wheals (AWW) at an Allergy and Immunology Clinical Center. We reviewed the case records of all patients at our office from January 1997 to April 2013. We reco...

Risk factors for extended-spectrum β-lactamases-producing Escherichia coli urinary tract infections in a tertiary hospital

Salud pública Méx; 57 (5), 2015
Objective. To assess the risks factors for urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBLs)-producing E. coli and the molecular characterization of ESBLs. Materials and methods. A case-control study was performed to identify risk factors in consecutively recruited patie...

Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las estenosis subglóticas en pediatría: experiencia en un hospital de alta complejidad

Arch. argent. pediatr; 113 (4), 2015
La estenosis subglótica es una de las causas más frecuentes de obstrucción de la vía aérea en pediatría. El 90% son secundarias a la intubación endotraqueal. El diagnóstico se sustenta en la clínica del paciente, la evaluación radiológica, la laringoscopía flexible y la endoscopía rígida de...