Results: 253
Soluciones salinas: una tecnología economica para la utilización del frijol comun (Phaseolus Vulgaris) endurecido
Effect of dehulling on the cooking time and protein quality of the hard-to-cook beans
Extrusion cooking: a process to utilize whole beans with the hard-to-cook defect
Physical and sensory characteristics of bean broth
Preliminary estimation of the economic losses due to the hard-to-cook defect under existing storage conditions practiced by small producers in Guatemala
The influence of sensory attributes on the acceptability of 20 lines of Guatemalan black beans
Atividade quimioprofilática de sabonetes contendo óleo essencial de frutos de Pterodon pubescens na esquistossomose mansoni
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 82 (supl.4), 1987
It has been studied the chemoprophylactic action on experimental schistosomiasis of the essential oil from Pterodon pubescens "sucupira branca" as an additive through different formulations, in toilet soap. Immediately or 24 hours later, groups of mice were exposed by tail method to Schistosoma mansoni c...