A quality assurance program of the Chagas's disease laboratory network of Argentina has been conducted by the National Reference Center since 1988, with the aim of assessing the reliability of serologic test results. Chagas's disease is endemic in Argentina, but the prevalence of seropositivity for Trypa...
Focaliza su estudio en los Mbya GuaranÃ, pueblos aborigenes que vivian en Paraguay, Argentina y Brasil, se analizan las conexiones entre cultura y relaciones socio-económicas, por una parte y procesos locales y globales por otra, incluye: el conocimiento tradicional guaranà y el manejo de la naturalez...
Estudo comparado da regulamentaçäo e controle do exercÃcio profissional dos enfermeiros no Brasil, Argentina, Uruguai e Paraguai, delineando suas especificidades, diferenças e semelhanças, na perspectiva de implantaçäo do Mercado Comum do Cone Sul, o qual pressupöe a livre circulaçäo de trabalh...
Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in children worlwide, and vaccines currently being field-tested could be available for childhood immunization in several years. To asses the rotavirus disease in Argentina and the value of future national surveillance for the disease, we reviewed data...