Results: 3275

The prevalence of physical activity and its associated effects among students in the São Paulo public school network, Brazil

Abstract The current study evaluated physical activity (PA) level and its associated effects among students in the public network of São Paulo, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was taken using a representative sample of students in São Paulo public school system. International Physical Activity Question...

Metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and other cardiovascular risk factors in university students

Abstract A cross-sectional population-based study using questionnaire and anthropometric data was conducted on 968 university students of São Luís, Brazil, from which 590 showed up for blood collection. In the statistical analysis the Student t-test, Mann-Whitney and chi-square tests were used. The pre...

Factores psicológicos relacionados con las clases de educación física como predictores de la intención de la práctica de actividad física en el tiempo libre en estudiantes

Resumen Debido al aumento del sedentarismo entre los jóvenes, conocer la intención de práctica de actividad física en esta población puede ser determinante a la hora de inculcar futuros hábitos de práctica física para mejorar la salud actual y futura de los escolares. Así, el objetivo de este tr...

Consumo de tabaco y alcohol en adolescentes de 10 a 14 años de la ciudad de San Felipe, Chile: prevalencia y factores asociados

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (4), 2016
Background: Smoking and alcohol use are risky behaviors that can start early in life. Aim: To determine the lifetime prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use in adolescents aged 10 to 14 years and related factors. Subjects and Methods: A survey about smoking and alcohol use was answered by 1,392 teenagers a...

Estudantes de psicologia concluem a graduação com uma boa formação em autismo?

Considerando a importância do psicólogo na identificação/assistência a pessoas com Transtornos do Espectro Autista (TEA), o principal objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o nível de conhecimento sobre TEA de estudantes de psicologia. Estudo do tipo seccional com 85 alunos do último ano de cursos de...

Physical Education classes in the Empower your Health Project: an analysis from the standpoint of Teachers

The objective was to analyze the lesson plans of the Empower your Health Project (Projeto Fortaleça sua Saúde) and their applicability from the teachers’ standpoint. A cross-sectional quantitative and qualitative study was conducted as part of a larger project entitled Empower Your Health. Data were ...

Estudio de aceptabilidad y saciedad de barritas de cereal altas en fibra dietética en escolares de una escuela rural de Chile

Rev. chil. nutr; 43 (1), 2016
Cereal bars for infant collation in two flavors were developed: apple and red fruits. The bars were made with oatmeal and dried fruit, low in saturated fat, total sugars and sodium. The effect of the addition of 2.5% of β-glucan in the bars on the sensory acceptability, satiety and digestive toleran...

Barreras percibidas en jóvenes universitarios para realizar actividad física
Perceived barriers in university students to physical activity practice

Introducción: en la actualidad, el alto nivel de sedentarismo en población joven es un problema mundial de salud pública. En consecuencia, es necesario adquirir mayor conocimiento sobre las barreras percibidas que hacen que las personas no sean activas. Objetivo: identificar el nivel de actividad fís...

Lazer no contexto Asiático: reflexões sobre intercambistas brasileiros no Japão

Licere (Online); 19 (1), 2016
Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo principal refletir sobre a qualidade da fruição do tempo livre dos estudantes brasileiros que realizaram intercâmbio para o Japão. Desdobraram-se dois objetivos específicos: a) realizar um levantamento das bolsas de estudo oferecidas por universidades públicas paulis...