Results: 563

The role of jaboticaba (Plinia jaboticaba (VELL. ) Berg) phenolic compounds in obesity-associated intestinal inflammation

Jaboticaba (Plinia jaboticaba (Vell.) Berg) is a Brazilian native fruit belonging to the Myrtaceae family. Previously it was demonstrated that phenolicrich extracts from jaboticaba (PEJ) possess health-beneficial properties in dietinduced obesity; however, whether PEJ modulates the obesity-associated int...

Estado nutricional e saúde de escolares do município de Lokossa – Benin

INTRODUÇÃO: As crianças e os adolescentes constituem um grupo populacional especialmente sensível às mudanças comportamentais e culturais que afetam o estado nutricional e de saúde. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo objetivou descrever indicadores nutricionais, cardiometabólicos e de consumo alimentar em es...

The effects of kefir in mixed meals on appetite and food intake: a randomized cross-over trial

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 34 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective The natural probiotic kefir is fermented milk, and may have effects on satiety and voluntary energy intake. This randomized crossover trial aimed to determine whether kefir, consumed with low- or high-glycemic index meals, affects appetite and subsequent food intake. Methods Twenty f...

Psychometric Evaluation of the Thin-Ideal Internalization Scale (TIIS) for Brazilian Young Women

Abstract Internalization is an important dimension of body image, which can be assessed using the Thin-Ideal Internalization Scale (TIIS). This study aims to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric assessment of the TIIS for young Brazilian women. A total of 448 young university women pa...

Metabolizable energy levels in diets with a fixed nutrient: calorie ratio for free-range broilers

Semina ciênc. agrar; 42 (6, supl. 2), 2021
The present study proposes to examine the effect of dietary levels of metabolizable energy, under a fixed nutrient:calorie ratio, on the production performance; body fat and protein deposition; and carcass characteristics of free-range broilers from 1 to 84 days of age. Nine hundred unsexed chicks were a...

Feeding aspects of Knodus heteresthes (Eigenmann, 1908) and Moenkhausia lepidura (Kner, 1858) (Characiformes, Characidae) in the Teles Pires and Juruena Rivers, southern Amazon

Braz. j. biol; 81 (2), 2021
The composition of the diet of two species of characids (Knodus heteresthes and Moenkhausia lepidura) was evaluated in the Teles Pires and Juruena Rivers, sampled in September and October 2016. We analyzed 226 stomachs of K. heteresthes and 425 of M. lepidura. The analysis of the stomach contents was bas...

Acute necrotic hepatotoxicity caused by Lantana camara L. ingestion in dairy cattle

Pesqui. vet. bras; 41 (), 2021
This study describes an outbreak of acute necrotic hepatopathy associated with spontaneous poisoning by Lantana camara L. in dairy cattle. A herd of 15 cows and heifers was introduced into a native pasture with limited food supply, and, sixteen days later, eight animals had spontaneous nasal hemorrhage, ...

Evolution of energy and nutrient intake in Brazil between 2008-2009 and 2017-2018

Rev. saúde pública (Online); 55 (supl.1), 2021
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To assess the evolution of energy and nutrient intake and the prevalence of inadequate micronutrients intakes according to sociodemographic characteristics and Brazilian regions. METHODS: The food consumption of 32,749 individuals from the National Dietary Survey of the Household Bu...

Qualidade nutricional de dietas da moda veiculadas em revistas não científicas

Objetivo: o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a qualidade nutricional de cardápios de dietas da moda veiculadas nas revistas de circulação não cientificas “Malu” e “7 Dias com você”. Métodos: tratou-se de um estudo quali-quantitativo que avaliou cardápios das revistas mencionadas ...

Internalização do cuidado: um estudo qualitativo com escolares que convivem com a doença falciforme

RESUMO Objetivo analisar a internalização do cuidado com o corpo pelo escolar com a doença falciforme com base na teoria do desenvolvimento de Vigotski e no conceito de cuidado de Collière. Método Estudo qualitativo com 15 escolares que convivem com a doença falciforme, acompanhados em ambulatór...