Results: 372

Effects of aquatic exercise on muscle strength and functional performance of individuals with osteoarthritis: a systematic review

Rev. bras. reumatol; 56 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT Water-based exercises are recommended for people with osteoarthritis (OA), due to the beneficial effects on physical function, quality of life and symptom reduction. However, the effects on muscle strength are still controversial. The aim of this review was to assess and compare the effects of a...

Multidisciplinary programs for obesity treatment in Brazil: A systematic review

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 29 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT This study aimed to conduct a systematic review of publications addressing the multidisciplinary treatment of obesity in Brazil and analyze their main results. A search was conducted in the databases SciELO, Lilacs, and Pubmed/Medline using the following search terms: 'obesidade', 'intervenção...

Ejercicio intermitente de alta intensidad como estrategia terapéutica para diabéticos tipo 2 residentes en alturas intermedias
High-intensity interval exercise as a therapeutic strategy for type 2 diabetic persons living in moderately elevated regions

Introducción: El ejercicio físico contribuye al control glicémico en los pacientes diabéticos y disminuye la aparición de complicaciones. Objetivo: Identificar una modalidad de ejercicio eficiente para los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 residentes en alturas intermedias. Métodos: Estudio de tipo cua...

Effects of diaphragm stretching on posterior chain muscle kinematics and rib cage and abdominal excursion: a randomized controlled trial

ABSTRACT Background Few studies have explored the effects of stretching techniques on diaphragm and spine kinematics. Objective To determine whether the application of diaphragm stretching resulted in changes in posterior chain muscle kinematics and ribcage and abdominal excursion in healthy subjects. ...

Effects of a progressive resistance exercise program with high-speed component on the physical function of older women with sarcopenic obesity: a randomized controlled trial

ABSTRACT Background Sarcopenic obesity is associated with disability in older people, especially in women. Resistance exercises are recommended for this population, but their efficacy is not clear. Objective To evaluate the effects of a progressive resistance exercise program with high-speed component ...

Effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle intervention for low back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee: protocol and statistical analysis plan for two randomised controlled trials

ABSTRACT Background These trials are the first randomised controlled trials of telephone-based weight management and healthy lifestyle interventions for low back pain and knee osteoarthritis. This article describes the protocol and statistical analysis plan. Method These trials are parallel randomised ...

Disminución de la grasa corporal mediante ejercicio físico intermitente de alta intensidad y consejería nutricional en sujetos con sobrepeso u obesidad

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (10), 2016
Background: The search of efficient exercise alternatives to treat obesity is worthwhile. Aim: To demonstrate the effect of high intensity intermittent exercise on body fat reduction in overweight and obese subjects. Material and Methods: A group of 65 overweight and obese adult subjects (25 men), aged 1...

A cycle ergometer exercise program improves exercise capacity and inspiratory muscle function in hospitalized patients awaiting heart transplantation: a pilot study

Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a cycle ergometer exercise program on exercise capacity and inspiratory muscle function in hospitalized patients with heart failure awaiting heart transplantation with intravenous inotropic support. Methods: Patients awaiting h...

Proposta de um programa de prática em grupo composto por fisioterapia, yoga e musicoterapia para pacientes com doença de Parkinson

Rev. bras. neurol; 52 (3), 2016
OBJETIVO: Analisar os benefícios da prática em grupo da fisioterapia, yoga e musicoterapia nas variáveis progressão da doença, equilíbrio, mobilidade funcional e independência funcional em pessoas com DP. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico não controlado, composto por dez indivíduos (4 homens e 6 mulhere...