LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 729

Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center service use profile in Brazil: 2008 to 2012

Objective: To describe the service use profile of Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Centers (Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infanto-Juvenil [CAPSi]) in Brazil regarding diagnostic categories, sociodemographic aspects, and care modalities between 2008 and 2012. Methods: A descriptive, ecological s...

Cholesteatoma labyrinthine fistula: prevalence and impact

Abstract Introduction: Labyrinthine fistula is one of the most common complications associated with cholesteatoma. It represents an erosive loss of the endochondral bone overlying the labyrinth. Reasons for cholesteatoma-induced labyrinthine fistula are still poorly understood. Objective: Evaluate pati...

Tratamiento del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad en la práctica clínica habitual: Estudio retrospectivo
Treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in clinical practice. A retrospective study

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (1,supl.1), 2019
El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo complejo y heterogéneo, de carácter crónico, de etiología multifactorial, principalmente debida a factores genéticos y ambientales. Realizamos un estudio analítico retrospectivo del tratamiento de niÃ...

Informe: situación epidemiológica de las infecciones de transmisión sexual en Chile, 2017

Rev. chil. infectol; 36 (2), 2019
Resumen Las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) son una de las principales causas de enfermedad aguda, infertilidad, discapacidad a largo plazo y muerte en el mundo1. Este informe presenta la situación epidemiológica preliminar de las ITS hasta el año 2017 en Chile. Sífilis es la ITS de mayor ta...

Preventive health services and physical activity improve health-related quality of life in Mexican older adults

Salud pública Méx; 61 (2), 2019
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the combined use of IMSS preventive health services (PHS) and the practice of physical activity (PA) in order to determine their association with the perceived health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of older adults. Materials and methods: A survey-based cross-sectiona...

Skin cancer incidence in rural workers at a reference hospital in western Paraná

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (2), 2019
Abstract BACKGROUND: Skin cancer is common in Brazil and is related to sun exposure, among other risk factors. There are no data on the incidence of malignant skin neoplasm in rural workers in western Paraná. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the incidence and profile of rural workers who were diagnosed with skin...

Spatial modeling of leprosy in the state of Bahia and its social determinants: a study of health inequities

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (2), 2019
Abstract BACKGROUND: Leprosy is a neglected disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. Brazil has the second largest number of cases in the world. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the spatial distribution of leprosy in the state of BAHIA, Brazil, and the association between his occurrence and the synthetic indicato...

Revisiting Keratoconjunctivitis sicca associated with Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1: prevalence, clinical aspects and proviral load

Braz. j. infect. dis; 23 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Background: The prevalence of keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) associated with Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) (HTLV-1/KCS) has been estimated at around 37%, but its clinical manifestations are poorly described. Purpose: To determine the prevalence and associated factors of HTL...

Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of herpes zoster in a tertiary care hospital in Brazil

Braz. j. infect. dis; 23 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Background: There is little information on herpes zoster from hospital registries in South America. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological and clinical aspects of herpes zoster (HZ) in hospitalized patients.' Methods: We searched for hospital-based records during the period ...

Postpartum depression: epidemiological clinical profile of patients attended in a reference public maternity in Salvador-BA

Abstract Objective To evaluate the clinical epidemiological state of women with suspected post partum depression (PPD) in a public maternity hospital in Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional research was performed with puerperal patients attended at a public maternity hospital i...