Results: 3722

Polystyrene-b-poly (acrylic acid) nanovesicles coated by modified chitosans for encapsulation of minoxidil

Abstract In this work, polystyrene-b-poly (acrylic acid) (PS-b-PAA) nanovesicles were coated by modified chitosans aiming at studying its physicochemical parameters. The chitosan (CS) was chemically modified to add hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic groups, obtaining three modified chitosans. The PS-b-PAA n...

Sodium alendronate: proposal and reliability of indicators

Abstract The present study proposes and evaluates the test-retest reliability of indicators of the correct use of sodium alendronate in elderly patients. This is a test-retest reliability study for use of sodium alendronate. Six questions to evaluate the correct use of this medicine were elaborated after...

Chemical composition and biological activity of Baccharis erioclada DC. essential oil

Abstract The chemically complex essential oils of Baccharis species are associated with several biological activities, such as antimicrobial and antiulcerous properties. However, few studies have investigated Baccharis erioclada DC. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to characterize the essential oil of...

Protective effects of psoralen polymer lipid nanoparticles on doxorubicin - induced myocardial toxicity

Abstract Doxorubicin (DOX) induced myocardial toxicity may limit its therapeutic use in clinic. Psoralen (PSO), a major active tricyclic furocoumarin extracted from Psoralea corylifolia, is widely used as an antineoplastic agent in treatment of leukemia and other cancers. This study is aim to find the pr...

The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of a methanolic extract of Satureja khuzistanica

Abstract In the present study, the metabolite profiling of methanolic extract from aerial parts of Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad, as an endemic medicinal plant from Iran, was evaluated using HPLC-PDA-ESI. Then, the main compound from the extract was isolated and purified by using extensive chromatographic...

Reflection about the hemodialysis water microbiological quality in Brazil

Abstract Dialysis has been widely used in the treatment of patients with chronic kidney diseases and is considered a global public health issue. This treatment, which has changed the prognosis and quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure, can lead to complications that are often fatal. For ...

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de lipossomas peguilados para veiculação de L-asparaginase

A Leucemia Linfoide Aguda (LLA) é um câncer de maior incidência em crianças, e tem a Lasparaginase (ASNase) como fármaco amplamente utilizado no tratamento dos afetados. A ASNase catalisa a hidrólise do aminoácido L-asparagina (Asn), presente na corrente sanguínea, a ausência do aminoácido no m...

O uso de aplicativo de celular para medir frequência cardíaca e saturação periférica de oxigênio

Avaliar a associação da medida de frequência cardíaca (FC) e saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2 ) utilizando um aplicativo de celular e um monitor multiparamétrico. Métodos: Estudo experimental e randomizado entre participantes saudáveis. Investigou o aplicativo Samsung Health® e o monito...

Voces de obstétricas de Argentina: entre disputas, experiencias, saberes y pasiones

Este documento reúne los resultados de un estudio cualitativo realizado con Licenciadas en Obstetricia. Forma parte de la serie “El trabajo obstétrico en la salud sexual y reproductiva” que el CEDES desarrolla con la colaboración de Ipas como contribución a un mejor conocimiento de este colectivo...

Cannabis. Usos y aplicaciones en la práctica odontológica diaria: revisión de la literatura

La evidencia científica presente en la literatura indica que el cannabis puede ser utilizado con fines terapéuticos para tratar distintas afecciones odontológicas. Dado el acceso sencillo a la cavidad bucal, las distintas formulaciones de cannabis pueden aplicarse de forma tópica. La aplicación loca...