Results: 51

Modelo Teórico Sistema de Créditos Académicos para la carrera de medicina en Cuba
Theoretical Model for the Academic Credit System for medical studies in Cuba

Educ. med. super; 34 (4), 2020
Introducción: La formación de médicos en Cuba posee reconocido prestigio nacional e internacional, lo que ha favorecido el aumento de la cooperación internacional, tanto en el posgrado como en el pregrado; sin embargo, el plan de estudios de la carrera de medicina no contempla los créditos académi...

Expectativas de sucesso profissional de ingressantes na educação superior: estudo comparativo

Aval. psicol; 19 (3), 2020
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as expectativas de sucesso profissional de estudantes ingressantes na educação superior, considerando gênero, modalidade de ingresso na universidade (sistema universal ou de cotas) e tipo de estudante (trabalhador ou não). Participaram do estudo 6.913 estudan...

Educational goals for college students diagnosed with disabilities: from individualist to transformative activist agenda

Due to the legal protections and the effects of inclusive reforms introduced in the U.S. in the last decades, the number of students diagnosed with disabilities (SDWD) entering post-secondary education in the country has steadily increased. Nevertheless, SDWD remain significantly underrepresented among t...

Condición física de escolares chilenos de 8° año básico y su relación con el rendimiento académico

Rev. chil. pediatr; 91 (1), 2020
Resumen: Introducción: Una buena condición física (CF) se relaciona, entre muchos beneficios, a modifica ciones funcionales y estructurales cerebrales que favorecen el aprendizaje. Objetivo: Analizar la aso ciación entre CF y rendimiento académico (RA) en escolares chilenos según sexo y determi...

Psicologia na educação superior em portugal: atuação nos institutos politécnicos

RESUMO. Os Institutos Politécnicos são espaços formativos de cariz profissional que integram o subsistema da educação superior em Portugal. As políticas de expansão e democratização da formação superior no país requereram a ampliação das ações de apoio acadêmico e de acolhimento aos disc...

High school students academic performance associated with psychological aspects, body practices and physical activity

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to verify the association of psychological factors and body practices with the academic performance of high school students. A sample of 330 students participated, made up of 167 girls and 163 boys. Likert scale instruments were used for collecting information on ...

Perfeccionismo y vida académica: un estudio correlacional en estudiantes de psicología

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre el perfeccionismo y algunas variables académicas (estrés, locus de control y rendimiento académico) en estudiantes universitarios. Se trató de una investigación cuantitativa con alcance descriptivo-correlacional y diseño transversal. Parti...

Reasoning, Affectivity and School Performance at the end of Portuguese Elementary Education: Which Variables To Consider?

Abstract Elementary education is a stage in which children and adolescents develop reasoning and affectivity, variables often associated with school performance. This study aims to analyze the relationship between reasoning, affectivity and school performance in Portuguese and Mathematics, considering so...

Early detection of learning difficulties using the BADyG-E2r Battery during primary education

Psicol. reflex. crit; 33 (), 2020
Abstract The aim of the present study was to assess the predictive capacity of several of the most relevant cognitive skills in the academic field that were evaluated using Differential and General Skills Battery(BADyG-E2r). Particular attention was focused on the variables that need to be overcome regar...

Reasons for absenteeism in rural primary schools in two Colombian municipalities

Rev. salud bosque; 10 (1), 2020
Background: School absenteeism is a considerable problem generally related to higher dropout rates, poor academic achievement and school lag. This study determined the frequency and causes of overall and illness-related absenteeism of students in rural schools from two Colombian municipalities. Methods: ...