Results: 36

Comportamiento alimentario en inmigrantes, aportes desde la evidencia

Rev. chil. nutr; 46 (2), 2019
RESUMEN El objetivo de esta revisión fue describir la evidencia existente respecto del comportamiento alimentario y dieta en inmigrantes, sus características y las dimensiones consideradas para su estudio. Debido al aumento progresivo de la migración de latinoamericanos hacia Chile durante las última...

Aculturación parental: una revisión de los desafíos y ajustes que implica el proceso de aculturación en las cogniciones parentales

Summa psicol. UST; 16 (2), 2019
El asentamiento en una sociedad distinta a la propia supone un importante esfuerzo de ajuste. Un desafío relevante para las familias que migran, es realizar un balance entre las formas de crianza propias de la cultura de origen y aquellas de la cultura receptora, lo cual recibe el nombre de “aculturac...

Estresse de aculturação e carga alostática entre mulheres imigrantes mexicanas

Objetivos este estudo de caso-controle comparou os níveis de estresse e carga alostática (CA) entre mulheres mexicanas nos EUA ( n = 19) e no México ( n = 40). Método medidas de estresse incluíram a Escala de Estresse Percebido (EEP) e a Escala de Estresse Social das Mulheres Hispânicas (EESMH). U...

Significados en torno al desarrollo del consumo problemático y la dependencia alcohólica en comunidades mapuches rurales de la región de la Araucanía, Chile, 2016-2017

Salud colect; 15 (), 2019
RESUMEN Esta investigación indaga las concepciones, significados y prácticas involucradas en el desarrollo del consumo problemático y la dependencia alcohólica en comunidades mapuches rurales del sur de Chile, en los años 2016 y 2017. Se caracterizan significados en torno al consumo de riesgo, escen...

“Vai malandra”, Anitta e a urgência da animação cultural

Licere (Online); 21 (2), 2018
A partir de uma ocorrência contemporânea, as polêmicas que desencadeou o clipe da música “Vai malandra”, da cantora Anitta, este artigo objetiva recuperar algumas antigas ideias acerca da animação cultural, chamando a atenção para certos parâmetros de atuação que podem ainda se mostrar int...

Stress, trauma, and posttraumatic stress disorder in migrants: a comprehensive review

Objective: There is growing evidence supporting the association between migration and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Considering the growing population of migrants and the particularities of providing culturally sensitive mental health care for these persons, clinicians should be kept up to date w...

The role of social objects in the constitution of the mind

The theory of object relations is fundamental to the psychoanalytic understanding of the development of the mind. The initial relations with caregivers are introjected as patterns of relations containing the self, the object (the other) and the related affects, and are repeated throughout life. The way o...

Riesgos psicosociales e integración profesional de médicos extranjeros: Un estudio sobre el manejo del conflicto en Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (10), 2017
Background: The way in which communicative conflicts are confronted, as part of the acculturation process, can constitute a psychosocial risk factor that may affect the effectiveness of health care delivery. Aim: To describe the levels of dominance, adaptability and evasion as indicators of the way in w...

Mental health and psychological acculturation strategies in Peruvian and Colombian immigrants in northern Chile

Acta colomb. psicol; 20 (1), 2017
Abstract Using a cross-sectional, non-experimental design, the hypothesis that the mental health state of assessed immigrants differs according to the acculturation strategy used, was tested. To this end, the mean difference in physiological symptoms, social roles and relationships among participants cat...

Salud mental y estrés por aculturación en inmigrantes sudamericanos en el norte de Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (5), 2016
Background: Coping with changes brought about by immigration and social circumstances that often characterize this process may cause mental health problems. Aim: To analyze the relationship between acculturation stress and mental health symptoms in South American immigrants residing in Antofagasta, Chile...