Results: 119

Concordance in prediction body fat percentage of Brazilian women in reproductive age between different methods of evaluation of skinfolds thickness

ABSTRACT Objective To assess the utility of bioimpedance (BIA) and skinfolds thickness (SF) in body fat percentage measuring (%BF) compared to the reference method dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in Brazilian reproductive age women, as well as to estimate of inter- and intra-observer precision f...

Validation of a novel equation to predict lower-limb muscle mass in young soccer players: a brief communication

Int. j. morphol; 38 (3), 2020
Lower-limbs appendicular muscle mass is a key body composition trait related to health and performance. Considering the relevance of lower-limbs appendicular muscle mass in soccer players, the assessment and monitoring of this variable with a low-cost tool would be of great value in order to improve perf...

Nutritional assessment in chronic kidney disease: the protagonism of longitudinal measurement

J. bras. nefrol; 42 (1), 2020

Zinc sérico en escolares
Serum Zinc in school children

Rev. cuba. pediatr; 92 (1), 2020
Introducción: La primera infancia es una etapa fundamental en el desarrollo y crecimiento del ser humano, época donde el cerebro se desarrolla a la máxima velocidad. La alimentación, uno de los principales condicionantes del desarrollo y las deficiencias de micronutrientes, entre otros, son responsa...

Relationship between anthropometric indicators and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adults and older adults of Rio Branco, Acre

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the association between anthropometric variables and cardiovascular risk factors in adults and older adults of Rio Branco, Acre. METHODS A population-based cross-sectional study with 641 adults and 957 older adults was conducted. The statistical analyses consisted of the d...

Stature estimate of children with cerebral palsy through segmental measures: a systematic review

ABSTRACT Objective: To review studies that evaluate the correspondence between the estimate height via segmental measures and the actual height of children with cerebral palsy. Data sources: Systematic literature review between 1995-2018, guided by the PRISMA criteria (Preferred Reporting Items for Sys...

La vertical verdadera al punto A´(blando), al Pg´(blando), al Labrale superior y al Labrale inferior en posición ideal asistida de la cabeza (PIAC)
The true vertical from point A´(soft), to Pg´ (soft), to superior Labrale and inferior Labrale in Ideal Assisted Head Position (PIAC)

El 81,3% de una encuesta realizada a 96 ortodoncistas y ortopedistas calificados y técnicos radiólogos consultados informan que ubican la cabeza del paciente en una posición ideal, subjetiva del profesional instruido que lo asiste, ya que muchas de sus fotografías y telerradiografías no son posicion...

Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Dental Age in 8-15-Year-Old Orthodontic Patients

Abstract Objective: To investigate the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and dental age in 8-15-year-old orthodontic patients. Material and Methods: Forty-eight children (25 males, 23 females) aged 8-15 years requiring orthodontic treatment participated in this retrospective study. The dental ...

Tri-ponderal mass index is useful for screening children and adolescents with insulin resistance

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate whether tri-ponderal mass index and body mass index Z scores are equivalent for screening children and adolescents with insulin resistance. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 296 children and adolescents enrolled at public schools of Vitória, Espírito Santo, Braz...

Bioelectrical vector analysis in obese adolescents

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the hydration of obese and non-obese adolescents by vectorial bioimpedance analysis, in addition to verifying the associations between obesity and bioelectrical impedance vectorial analysis (BIVA) parameters. Methods: A cross-sectional study with adolescents between 14...