LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 105

Atendimento ambulatorial de gestantes e puérperas durante a pandemia de COVID-19
Outpatient care for pregnant and postpartum women during the COVID-19 pandemic

Femina; 48 (9), 2020

Rastreamento de doenças por exames laboratoriais em obstetrícia
Disease screening by laboratory tests in obstetrics

Femina; 48 (5), 2020

Two criteria of oral glucose tolerance test to diagnose gestational diabetes mellitus

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To evaluate two different criteria, one or two cut-off values, of oral glucose tolerance test with 75g of glucose for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus. METHODS A cross-sectional study involving 120 records of pregnant women who received prenatal care at the service of ...

Impacto de la educación para la salud en la lactancia materna. Beneficios para el recién nacido

OBJETIVOS El objetivo general del trabajo es conocer la efectividad entre la educación sanitaria sobre la lactancia materna en mujeres embarazadas en últimas semanas de fecha de parto en relación a su decisión de amamantar a sus hijos/as. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS En primer lugar, se realiza una revisiÃ...

Group Prenatal Care in Mexico: perspectives and experiences of health personnel

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: Identify barriers and facilitators to implementing the Group Prenatal Care model in Mexico (GPC) from the health care personnel's perspective. METHODS: We carried out a qualitative descriptive study in four clinics of the Ministry of Health in two states of Mexico (Morelos and Hidal...

Maternal and fetal risk factors associated with late preterm infants

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine maternal and fetal risk factors associated with the birth of late preterm infants in comparison to those born at term. Methods: A case-control study was carried out in a tertiary center for high-risk pregnancies. For the cases, the study enrolled post-partum mothers a...