ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze curricular integration between teaching of patient safety and good infection prevention and control practices. Method: Integrative review, designed to answer the question: "How does curricular integration of content about 'patient safety teaching' and content about 'infec...
ABSTRACT Objectives: To investigate whether the course offer with elements of gamification contributes to the formation of competences in Informatics in Nursing; and evaluate it based on teaching and learning criteria and content structure. Method: Exploratory, applied and technological innovation rese...
Bachillerato en Enfermería/métodos,
Bachillerato en Enfermería/normas,
Docentes de Enfermería/psicología,
Juegos Experimentales,
Informática Aplicada a la Enfermería/métodos,
Informática Aplicada a la Enfermería/normas,
Estudiantes de Enfermería/psicología,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate and compare the perception of stressors by nursing students before and after a high-fidelity clinical simulation or conventional laboratory practice class. Method: This is a randomized clinical trial conducted with 52 nursing students. Both groups had theoretical classes...
Bachillerato en Enfermería/métodos,
Evaluación Educacional/métodos,
Evaluación Educacional/normas,
Entrenamiento Simulado/métodos,
Entrenamiento Simulado/normas,
Estrés Psicológico/etiología,
Estrés Psicológico/psicología,
Estudiantes de Enfermería/psicología,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios
ABSTRACT Objective: Recognize the domains of health promotion core competencies in the training process of adolescents carried out by nursing students. Method: Qualitative and descriptive study, which used the theoretical methodological contribution Developing Competencies and Professional Standards fo...
ABSTRACT The introduction of non-technical skills during nursing education is crucial to prepare nurses for the clinical context and increase patient safety. We found no instrument developed for this purpose. Objectives: to construct, develop and validate a non-technical skills assessment scale in nursi...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the strategies used by nurses and nurse professors for a better position in the maternity ward of the teaching hospital of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Method: this is a social-historical study with a qualitative approach. The primary sources were written ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to report the application of a participatory teaching-learning method on the themes death, dying, and associate care to highlight its applicability to the students. Method: report of application of participatory method in 22 students from the 6th period of the undergraduate program ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the contribution of the laboratory of nursing to the critical education of nurses. Method: qualitative study, conducted among 18 professors of higher education institutions, being one public and the other private. Data were collected between February and November of 2016 ...
Competencia Clínica/normas,
Bachillerato en Enfermería/métodos,
Bachillerato en Enfermería/normas,
Docentes de Enfermería/psicología,
Docentes de Enfermería/estadística & datos numéricos,
Enfermeras y Enfermeros/normas,
Enfermeras y Enfermeros/estadística & datos numéricos,
Investigación Cualitativa,
Estudiantes de Enfermería/estadística & datos numéricos,
Universidades/organización & administración
ABSTRACT Objective: To report the experience of the operationalization of clinical simulation as a pedagogical strategy in a subject of an undergraduate course in Nursing. Method: Clinical simulation cycles were carried out following the steps of action research, such as: planning, action, observation ...
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze how the approach of the theme "scientific investigation" can contribute to the development of the scientific competence of the Nursing student. Method: A descriptive-exploratory, case-study, qualitative study was carried out with professors from a public university in the...
Actitud del Personal de Salud,
Bachillerato en Enfermería/métodos,
Bachillerato en Enfermería/normas,
Docentes de Enfermería/psicología,
Docentes de Enfermería/normas,
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Investigación Cualitativa,