Results: 170

Antimicrobial use for treatment of healthcare-associated infections and bacterial resistance in a reference neonatal unit

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 97 (3), 2021
Abstract Objective The use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials, such as third and fourth-generation, are responsible for emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms in neonatal units. Furthermore, antimicrobial daily doses are not standardized in neonatology. This study aimed to investigate the associa...

Caracterización de bacilos gramnegativos multi-resistentes, aislados en pacientes hospitalizados en instituciones de salud de Barranquilla (Colombia)

Rev. chil. infectol; 38 (2), 2021
Resumen Introducción: La resistencia a carbapenémicos en bacilos gramnegativos es un problema de salud pública mundial, debido a que se asocia con altas tasas de mortalidad, aumento en los niveles de resistencia a otros antimicrobianos, elevación en el potencial de diseminación e incremento en los c...

Action of benzalkonium chloride in different pH

Arq. Inst. Biol; 88 (), 2021
Ammonium quaternary compounds are widely used in poultry and swine production as disinfectants in the control of pathogens. They act on gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, enveloped fungi and viruses. However, in some conditions of pH and presence of organic matter can be inactivated. This st...

Active surveillance of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative healthcare-associated infections in a low-middle-income country city

Braz. j. infect. dis; 25 (2), 2021
ABSTRACT Background: Carbapenem-resistance in healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) is of great concern, and it is urgent to improve surveillance. We aimed to describe and analyze HCAIs trends on Gram-negative antimicrobial susceptibility in a city from a developing country, following the implementat...

What Are the Roles of Carbapenems in an Institution-specific Epidemiological Antibiogram in East Trinidad?

West Indian med. j; 69 (3), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To provide an overview of the development of an institution-specific epidemiological antibiogram. Emphasis was on last-line antibiotics, such as carbapenems. Methods: In 2013, the antibiograms of various organisms were retrieved from the computerized database of the Microscan (Sieme...

Diseño, estandarización e implementación de una nueva técnica en Guatemala, para el diagnóstico rápido de hemocultivos positivos, utilizando la tecnología Maldi-tof

Cienc. tecnol. salud; 8 (1), 2021
Las enfermedades infecciosas son un problema de salud que a pesar de los avances médicos siguen cobrando vi-das en todo el mundo; como las septicemias. La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo diseñar, estandarizar e implementar un protocolo inexistente en Guatemala, para el diagnóstico rutinario...

Disparities in antimicrobial consumption and resistance within a country: the case of beta-lactams in Argentina

ABSTRACT Objective. To describe bacterial resistance and antimicrobial consumption ratio at the subnational level in Argentina during 2018, considering beta-lactams group as a case-study. Methods. Antimicrobial consumption was expressed as defined daily doses (DDD)/1000 inhabitants. Resistance of Esche...

Desenvolvimento e validação de um aplicativo móvel para identificação de bactérias Gram-positivas e Gram-negativas

Rev. bras. anal. clin; 52 (4), 2020
Objetivo: A internet e os smartphones estão fortemente presentes no cotidiano mundial. Além de proporcionarem comunicação e lazer, os smartphones, por meio de aplicativos, são portas de entrada para as tecnologias da informação e comunicação, recursos utilizados por docentes e discentes como met...

Resistome in gram-negative bacteria from soft cheese in Brazil

Objective: evaluation of antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative microbiota from ready-to-eat cheese samples. Methodology: this research applied an adapted methodology to select from a food sample viable Gram-negative microbiota displaying antibiotic resistance. The selected food was a cheese that is comm...

Respiration in Azotobacter vinelandii and its relationship with the synthesis of biopolymers

Azotobacter vinelandii is a gram-negative soil bacterium that produces two biopolymers of biotechnological interest, alginate and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), and it has been widely studied because of its capability to fix nitrogen even in the presence of oxygen. This bacterium is characterized by its high r...