Results: 28

Combined effects of melatonin and FGF-2 on mouse preosteoblast behavior within interconnected porous hydroxyapatite ceramics - in vitro analysis

J. appl. oral sci; 24 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective Biocompatible materials such as interconnected porous hydroxyapatite ceramics (IP-CHA) loaded with osteogenic cells and bioactive agents are part of an evolving concept for overcoming craniofacial defects by use of artificial bone tissue regeneration. Amongst the bioactive agents, me...

Tridax procumbens flavonoids promote osteoblast differentiation and bone formation

Biol. Res; 48 (), 2015
BACKGROUND: Tridaxprocumbens flavonoids (TPFs) are well known for their medicinal properties among local natives. Besides traditionally used for dropsy, anemia, arthritis, gout, asthma, ulcer, piles, and urinary problems, it is also used in treating gastric problems, body pain, and rheumatic pains of joi...

Expression of non-neuronal cholinergic system in maxilla of rat in vivo

Biol. Res; 47 (), 2014
BACKGROUND: Acetylcholine (ACh) is known to be a key neurotransmitter in the central and peripheral nervous systems, which is also produced in a variety of non-neuronal tissues and cell. The existence of ACh in maxilla in vivo and potential regulation role for osteogenesis need further study. RESULTS: Co...

Preliminary results with a torsion microbalance indicate that carbon dioxide and exposed carbonic anhydrase in the organic matrix are the basis of calcification on the skeleton surface of living corals

Rev. biol. trop; 60 (supl.1), 2012
Ocean acidification is altering the calcification of corals, but the mechanism is still unclear. To explore what controls calcification, small pieces from the edges of thin plates of Agaricia agaricites were suspended from a torsion microbalance into gently stirred, temperaturecontrolled, seawater. Net c...

Mineralización ósea en niños y adolescentes con hipotiroidismo congénito
Bone mineralization in children and adolescents presenting with a congenital hypothyroidisM

Rev. cuba. endocrinol; 22 (2), 2011
Introducción: en el hipotiroidismo congénito la mineralización ósea puede afectarse por la enfermedad o por los efectos del tratamiento con hormonas tiroideas.Objetivo: determinar en pacientes con hipotiroidismo congénito la mineralización ósea. Métodos: se realizó estudio descriptivo transversa...

Osteodistrofia hepática

Osteodistrofia hepática é distúrbio de mineralização óssea associada à doença hepática crônica, sendo a osteoporose, e mais raramente a osteomalácia, sua forma de apresentação clínica. Apesar de pouco diagnosticada e com prevalência de grande variação na literatura, na maioria das vezes,...

Eficácia do AlCl3 e etanol na prevenção da calcificação de fragmentos da parede aórtica porcina fixados em GDA
Efficacy of AlCl3 and ethanol in the prevention of calcification of fragments of porcine aortic wall fixed in GDA

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia do cloreto de alumínio, isoladamente ou em associação com o etanol, na prevenção da calcificação e da resposta inflamatória de fragmentos de parede aórtica porcina fixada em glutaraldeído (GDA), implantados no tecido subcutâneo de ratos jovens. MÉTODO: Utilizaram...

Hipoparatiroidismo postquirúrgico y calcificaciones cerebrales extensas en en hombre de 64 años
Post-surgical hypoparathyroidism and extensive brain calcifications in a 64-year-old man

VozAndes; 17 (1), 2006
Reportamos el caso de un hombre de 64 años admitido en el servicio de emergencias por convulsiones. La tomografía computada cerebral reveló calcificaciones simétricas extensas de los hemisferios cerebrales, tálamo,ganglios de la base y cerebelo, El reporte radiológico sugirió enfermedad de Fahr, u...