Results: 27

Cintilografia de Perfusão Miocárdica Positiva em Paciente com Escore Coronariano Zero: É Possível?

Diretriz para Cintilografia de Perfusão Miocárdica de Repouso e Estresse

Esse artigo trata das Diretrizes da Cintilografia Miocárdica de Repouso e Esforço. Foi desenvolvido e escrito pela Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Nuclear para que sirva como guia das melhores práticas usadas em Medicina Nuclear. Sua função é ser uma ferramenta educacional para ajudar os serviços...

Aplicaciones actuales de las técnicas radioisotópicas en la patología endocrinológica
Current applications of radioisotopic techniques in endocrinological pathology

Rev. chil. radiol; 8 (2), 2002
Nuclear Endocrinology was the first clinical use of radionuclides, five decades ago. From those days to the present, nuclear medicine has a definitive role in the diagnosis of a great variety of clinical situations, from the very frequent thyroid nodule to the unusual neuroendocrine tumors, including par...

Medicina nuclear: aplicación en patología osteoarticular
Nuclear medicine: application in osteoarticular pathology

Rev. chil. radiol; 8 (2), 2002
Bone scan, planar or Spect (single photon emission computed tomography) technique is the most frequently nuclear medicine procedures used in the osteoarticular applications. Other procedure, especially Galium 67, is also used. Bone scan is a safe, painless and cost-effective procedure to get information ...

Cintigrafía ósea trifásica con Tc-99mMDP en el diagnóstico y manejo de infecciones osteoarticulares agudas en niños
Three-phase bone cintigraphy with Tc-99mMDP in the diagnosis and management of acute osteoarticular infections in children

Rev. chil. radiol; 8 (2), 2002
One of the most important causes of residual damage in skeleton is incompletely treated osteoarticular infections (OAI). Goal: to assess the value of emergency three-phase bone scan (3FBS) in the evaluation of OAI. Methods: Thirty-eight children were studied with 54 3FBS. Results: Global analysis: 76% of...