Abstract Introduction: Non-familial ascending thoracic aorta dilation and aneurysms (TAAs) are silent diseases in elderly patients. Histopathology revealed that functionally polarized infiltrating CD4+ T-cells play a key role in aortic wall weakening. Objective: To evaluate the possible associations be...
This study aimed to detect the expression of the long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) antisense non-coding RNA in the INK4 locus (ANRIL) and evaluate its correlation with disease risk, stenosis degree, inflammation, as well as overall survival (OS) in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. A total of 230 patien...
Sedimentación Sanguínea,
Proteína C-Reactiva/análisis,
Enfermedad de la Arteria Coronaria/sangre,
Enfermedad de la Arteria Coronaria/complicaciones,
Enfermedad de la Arteria Coronaria/diagnóstico,
Enfermedad de la Arteria Coronaria/genética,
Estenosis Coronaria/complicaciones,
ARN Largo no Codificante/genética,
Medición de Riesgo,
Análisis de Supervivencia
This study aimed to explore the influence of gut microbiota alterations induced by Linderae radix ethanol extract (LREE) on alcoholic liver disease (ALD) in rats and to study the anti-inflammatory effect of LREE on ALD through the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-nuclear factor kappa ...
Modelos Animales de Enfermedad,
Microbioma Gastrointestinal/efectos de los fármacos,
Inflamación/prevención & control,
Hepatopatías Alcohólicas/diagnóstico por imagen,
Hepatopatías Alcohólicas/prevención & control,
Extractos Vegetales/farmacología,
Raíces de Plantas/química,
Proteínas Serina-Treonina Quinasas/sangre,
Ratas Sprague-Dawley,
Receptor Toll-Like 4/sangre
Excessive pro-inflammatory cytokines result in adverse pregnancy outcomes, including preeclampsia-like phenotypes, and fetal growth restriction. Anti-inflammation might be an effective therapy. The aim of this research was to investigate whether Uncaria rhynchophylla alkaloid extract (URE), a highly safe...
OBJECTIVES: To assess the expression of decidual natural killer (dNK) cells and their cytokines in twin pregnancies with preeclampsia. METHODS: This was a prospective case-control study. The inclusion criteria were diamniotic (monochorionic or dichorionic) twin pregnancies in the third trimester with ne...
Estudios de Casos y Controles,
Células Asesinas Naturales/fisiología,
Embarazo Gemelar,
Estudios Prospectivos
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Chronic chagasic cardiopathy (CCC) is essentially a dilated cardiomyopathy in which a subacute, but constant chronic inflammatory process causes progressive destruction of the heart tissue. The action of proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), ...
Santos, João Hugo Abdalla;
Bührer-Sékula, Samira;
Melo, Gisely Cardoso;
Cordeiro-Santos, Marcelo;
Pimentel, João Paulo Diniz;
Gomes-Silva, Adriano;
Costa, Allyson Guimarães;
Saraceni, Valeria;
Da-Cruz, Alda Maria;
Lacerda, Marcus Vinícius Guimarães.
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Immunological control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is dependent on the cellular immune response, mediated predominantly by Th1 type CD4+ T cells. Polarization of the immune response to Th2 can inhibit the host immune protection against pathogens. Patients with tubercul...
Anticuerpos Antihelmínticos/sangre,
Ascaris lumbricoides,
Estudios de Casos y Controles,
Progresión de la Enfermedad,
Citometría de Flujo,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Factores de Tiempo,
Tuberculosis Pulmonar/complicaciones,
Tuberculosis Pulmonar/inmunología
RESUMO: Introdução: A inflamação exerce um importante papel no processo de envelhecimento. Objetivo: Este estudo transversal objetiva examinar a associação entre marcadores inflamatórios e a ocorrência de hospitalizações entre idosos, considerando fatores predisponentes e facilitadores do u...
Factores de Edad,
Estudios Transversales,
Hospitalización/estadística & datos numéricos,
Modelos Logísticos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Valores de Referencia,
Factores de Riesgo,
Factores Sexuales,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas,
Factores de Tiempo
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Chronic hepatitis C is a leading cause of liver disease. Infection triggers an immediate immune response in the host that is mediated by humoral/cellular mechanisms. T cells respond to infection via secretion of cytokines, which inhibit or stimulate one another, leading to cytoki...
Antivirales/administración & dosificación,
Quimioterapia Combinada,
Citometría de Flujo,
Hepatitis C Crónica/sangre,
Hepatitis C Crónica/tratamiento farmacológico,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Oligopéptidos/administración & dosificación,
Prolina/administración & dosificación,
Prolina/análogos & derivados,
Estudios Prospectivos,
Resultado del Tratamiento,
Carga Viral
Abstract Objective: There is evidence of an important role of immune system changes in the triggering and maintenance of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS). The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of cytokines in lymphocyte populations of patients with INS in comparison to healthy indiv...
Estudios de Casos y Controles,
Estudios Transversales,
Progresión de la Enfermedad,
Citometría de Flujo,
Células Asesinas Naturales/inmunología,
Recuento de Leucocitos,
Síndrome Nefrótico/sangre,
Síndrome Nefrótico/complicaciones,
Síndrome Nefrótico/inmunología,
Linfocitos T/inmunología