Results: 106

Multiprofessional family health residency as a setting for education and interprofessional practices

Objective: to know the experiences lived during the residency by graduates of a Multiprofessional Residency Program in Family Health that could contribute to the development of Interprofessional Education and/or Collaborative Practice. Method: a qualitative study with residents who entered a Multiprofes...

Modes of disciplinary interaction as a line of escape in Family Health practice: a cartographic analysis

Physis (Rio J.); 31 (2), 2021
Abstract The present study aims to discuss the knowledge and practices of Primary Health Care professionals about the modes of disciplinary interaction. It is a descriptive study, with qualitative approach following the methodological proposal of cartography, in which we ran four focus groups with the pa...

Effect of dental education on knowledge and clinical behavior of turkish dentists’ regarding oral-systemic health of geriatric patientsOral-systemic health of geriatric patients (Running title)

Braz. dent. sci; 24 (4), 2021
Objective: The aim is to evaluate the perspectives of dentists’ clinical approaches in terms of their knowledge and education regarding oral-systemic health relation of geriatric patients with a digital survey. Materials and Methods: The demographics, oral-systemic ...

Una mirada transcompleja de la Violencia Juvenil Delincuencial en Venezuela

Salud bienestar colect; 4 (3), 2020
Se realizó una investigación bajo el enfoque integrador transcomplejo en la búsqueda de una interpretación transdisciplinaria, multidimensionada y dinámica de la violencia juvenil delincuencial, cuyo propósito fue develar las posturas epistemológicas que subyacen en la lógica de interv...

A interdisciplinaridade na produção e divulgação do conhecimento em tempos de pandemia – um olhar da atual gestão da EEAAC

Esse trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma breve reflexão sobre a produção e divulgação de conhecimento na enfermagem e na saúde. Assim destaca-se o papel da EEAAC na produção do conhecimento inerente a enfermagem e a suas interfaces no contexto da pandemia. Preconiza-se uma produção de conhe...

Early Hospital Readmission (EHR) in kidney transplantation: a review article

J. bras. nefrol; 42 (2), 2020
Abstract Early hospital readmission (EHR), defined as all readmissions within 30 days of initial hospital discharge, is a health care quality measure. It is influenced by the demographic characteristics of the population at risk, the multidisciplinary approach for hospital discharge, the access, coverage...

Rare inherited kidney diseases: an evolving field in Nephrology

J. bras. nefrol; 42 (2), 2020
Abstract There are more than 150 different rare genetic kidney diseases. They can be classified according to diagnostic findings as (i) disorders of growth and structure, (ii) glomerular diseases, (iii) tubular, and (iv) metabolic diseases. In recent years, there has been a shift of paradigm in this fiel...

Medios de contraste intravascular en tomografía computada y resonancia magnética: lo que el clínico necesita saber

Introducción: los medios de contraste en radiología se utilizan para mejorar la visibilidad de los tejidos normales y patológicos, lo que permite distinguirlos entre sí mediante la modificación de las características de imagen de los tejidos. Permite no solo una mejor evaluación morfológica de la...