LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 126

Increased capture of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) (Diptera: Culicidae) by removing one ADULTRAP component

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Aedes aegypti is the main vector responsible for the transmission of numerous arboviruses. Adultrap® has been developed to catch these insects. METHODS: We tested the effectiveness of capturing adults with and without one of the components of Adultrap®. RESULTS: The mean num...

Riqueza de mosquitos en La Habana: su importancia para fomentar la participación comunitaria en su control
Species mosquito richness in Havana: its importance to promote community participation in its control

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 71 (3), 2019
Introducción: La identificación de las especies de mosquitos a nivel de cada municipio forma parte del Programa de Vigilancia y Control de Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus vigente en Cuba. Objetivo: Identificar las especies de mosquitos en sitios de crías artificiales y naturales y relacionarlo con ...

Anopheles gambiae no Brasil: antecedentes para um " alastramento silencioso ", 1930-1932

Resumo O artigo analisa a chegada e identificação do mosquito africano Anopheles gambiae no Brasil em 1930 e as primeiras reações de cientistas e autoridades de saúde pública contra as epidemias de malária causadas por essa espécie. Apesar de ter sido reconhecido como perigoso vetor da malária, ...

Face social do controle do Aedes: em um bairro periférico de Fortaleza, Brasil, as mulheres tomam a palavra

Resumo O Aedes aegypti é um importante agente transmissor de afecções na atualidade, sendo o responsável por enfermidades como Zika, Chikungunya e os quatro sorotipos do Dengue. Por ocasião da relevância desse mosquito para o corpo social atual, investigações em Ecossaúde se tornam prementes, jÃ...

Influence of strategic points in the dispersion of Aedes aegypti in infested areas

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether sites with large amount of potential breeding sites for immature forms of Aedes aegypti, called strategic points, influence in the active vector's dispersion into properties in their surroundings. METHODS: We selected four areas in the municipality of Campinas, t...

Current vector control challenges in the fight against malaria in Brazil

Abstract In Brazil, malaria is an important public health problem first reported in 1560. Historically, fluctuations in malaria cases in Brazil are attributed to waves of economic development; construction of railroads, highways, and hydroelectric dams; and population displacement and land occupation pol...

Personal protective measures of pregnant women against Zika virus infection

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the adherence of pregnant women to personal protective measures against mosquito bites, recommended by the Ministry of Health, and to investigate the factors associated with the non-adoption of these measures. METHODS We interviewed 177 pregnant women between November 2...

Spatial distribution of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in vulnerable areas for the transmission of arboviruses

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Areas at risk of transmission of arboviruses have been monitored using ovitraps. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial distribution of Aedes aegypti in vulnerable areas for the transmission of arboviruses and assess the influence of climatic conditions on the infestation of the...