Results: 45

Cirugía ambulatoria: ¿qué hacer en el período posoperatorio? desde el término de la cirugía hasta el control domiciliario

Rev. chil. cir; 70 (5), 2018
La recuperación posoperatoria, el control y apoyo posalta son esenciales en el éxito de la cirugía ambulatoria. El proceso de recuperación posoperatoria se divide en recuperación Fase I y Fase II, en las cuales se utilizan criterios clínicos predefinidos para decidir si un paciente puede ser trasla...

Drain amylase on the first postoperative day of whipple surgery: what value is the best predictor for early drain removal?

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 31 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Background: The value of drain amylase on the first postoperative day after pancreatic resections has been described as an efficient predictor of pancreatic fistula. In spite of this, the cut-off point below which the drains can be removed early remains controversial. Aim: Validate the use o...

Analgesia peridural con anestésicos locales en la implementación del protocolo de recuperación precoz tras la cirugía colorrectal
Peridural analgesia with local anesthetics in the implementations of the early recovery protocol after correctable surgery

Introducción: la implementación de un protocolo de recuperación posoperatoria precoz, garantiza menor morbilidad, estancia posoperatoria corta y satisfacción de los pacientes. Objetivos: evaluar la utilidad de la analgesia epidural dentro de un protocolo de recuperación precoz en cirugía colorrecta...

Acompanhamento por telefone de idosos submetidos a cirurgias de coxa e quadril: Estudo-piloto

Rev. Kairós (Online); 20 (3), 2017
Este estudo-piloto analisa o acompanhamento por telefone comparado ao tratamento convencional em idosos no pós-operatório de cirurgias de coxa e quadril. Observou-se uma redução sob o ponto de vista clínico entre a primeira e a última avaliação para “perda do apetite sem náuseas”, “dificul...

Methodological quality of randomized clinical trials of respiratory physiotherapy in coronary artery bypass grafting patients in the intensive care unit: a systematic review

Abstract Objective: To assess methodological quality of the randomized controlled trials of physiotherapy in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting in the intensive care unit. Methods: The studies published until May 2015, in MEDLINE, Cochrane and PEDro were included. The primary outcome...

Non-pharmacological interventions to promote the sleep of patients after cardiac surgery: a systematic review

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze evidence available in the literature concerning non-pharmacological interventions that are effective to treat altered sleep patterns among patients who underwent cardiac surgery. Method: systematic review conducted in the National Library of Medicine-National Institutes o...

Utilidad de la monitorización de los colgajos microquirúrgicos

Rev. chil. cir; 68 (5), 2016
Objetivo: Evaluar el uso de una sonda Doppler para verificar la permeabilidad y el flujo de la anastomosis en colgajos microquirúrgicos. Material y método: Serie descriptiva prospectiva de los pacientes en los cuales se realizó reconstrucción con colgajo microquirúrgico en la Clínica Alemana entre ...

Acompanhamento de Gestante Portadora de Síndrome de Marfan com Tubo Valvado Metálico Aórtico

Relata-se o acompanhamento de paciente gestante, 29 anos, primigesta, portadora da Síndrome de Marfan e tubo valvado metálico aórtico encaminhada ao cardiologista com sete semanas de gestação.Ao ecodopplercardiograma apresentava diâmetro da raiz da aorta de 35 mm,...

Mild hypothermia may offer some improvement to patients with MODS after CBP surgery

ABSTRACT Objective: To summarize the effect of mild hypothermia on function of the organs in patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Methods: The patients were randomly divided into two groups, northermia group (n=71) and hypothermia group (n=89). We imme...

Transeptal suturing - a cost-efficient alternative for nasal packing in septal surgery

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Nasal packing is routinely used in septal surgery to prevent postoperative bleeding. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the possibility of transeptal suture as a safe and effective way to avoid nasal packing and to improve efficiency. METHODS: This is a prospective, descriptive, infer...