Results: 41

Bioinsecticide potential of Curcuma zedoaria rhizome essential oil

Biosci. j. (Online); 35 (4), 2019
In this study the potential bioinseticide of the essential oil (OE) extracted from the rhizomes of the species Curcuma zedoaria (Zingiberaceae) was evaluated. The rhizomes were collected during dormancy (winter) and budding (summer). The EO was obtained by hydrodistillation (2h) a...

The essential oil of Curcuma longa rhizomes as an antimicrobial and its composition by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

Objective This study aimed to extract the essential oil of Curcuma longa rhizomes collected in Brazil, determine its composition by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, and evaluate its hemolytic action and antimicrobial activity. Methods The oil extraction was performed by hydrodistillation; its co...

Curcuma Longa Abolishes Phenylephrine-Induced Contractions in Isolated Aortic Artery of Rats

Curcuma longa has biological effects. Its cardiovascular activities are yet to be scientifically studied. Objectives: To investigate the vasorelaxant effects of the aqueous extract of Curcuma longa (AECL). Methods: Aortic annuli of normotensive rats, with or without endothelium, were set up in a data s...

Propriedades e usos da cúrcuma

A Cúrcuma (Curcuma longa) é uma planta originária do sudoeste asiático, que faz parte da família Zingiberaceae. É uma erva amarga, adstringente, com cheiro característico e forte cor amarela e que cujas raízes (rizomas) secas e maceradas têm sido utilizadas atualmente como corante e condimento p...

Transcriptional profiling of uterine leiomyoma rats treated by a traditional herb pair, Curcumae rhizoma and Sparganii rhizoma

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 52 (6), 2019
The aim of this study was to elucidate the concise effects of a traditional herb pair, Curcumae rhizoma-Sparganii rhizoma (CRSR), on uterine leiomyoma (UL) by analyzing transcriptional profiling. The UL rat model was made by intramuscular injection of progesterone and gavage administration of diethylstil...

Evaluación del efecto antiinflamatorio de los extractos y gel del rizoma de Cúrcuma Longa Linn (palillo) en ratas sometidas a inflamación subplantar con carragenina

La inflamación es un mecanismo de defensa del organismo al daño de sus tejidos y células, que trata de eliminar los estímulos perjudiciales e iniciar el proceso de curación, restaurando su estructura y sus funciones normales. Sin embargo, si se produce la alteración del equilibrio homeostático de ...

Evaluación de la bioactividad de plantas medicinales cultivadas en el Perú usando la prueba de letalidad de Artemia salina
Bioactivity of medicinal plants cultivated in Peru using Artemia salina lethality test

Rev. peru. med. integr; 3 (3), 2018
Objetivo. Determinar la bioactividad de trece plantas medicinales peruanas a través de su capacidad citotóxica. Materiales y métodos. Se elaboraron extractos acuosos, hidroalcohólicos, o zumos liofilizados de las especies vegetales seleccionadas. La citotoxicidad in vitro fue evaluada usando la prueb...

Caracterización físico-química y capacidad antioxidante de extractos del rizoma de Curcuma longa L
Physical-chemical characterization and antioxidant activity the Curcuma longa L. rhizome

Rev. peru. med. integr; 3 (4), 2018
Objetivo. Determinar los parámetros físico-químicos y la capacidad antioxidante in vitro del extracto crudo y etanólico de Curcuma longa L. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron dos extractos vegetales: crudo y en 96% de etanol. Se determinaron las características físico-químicas y la presencia de ...

Herbal Supplement Sales in US Increase 8.5% in 2017, Topping $8 Billion. Strongest sales growth in more than 15 years bolstered by continued popularity of Ayurvedic herbs and new formulations of botanicals with general health and nutrition benefits

HerbalGram; 119 (), 2018
In 2017, retail sales of herbal dietary supplements in the United States surpassed $8 billion for the first time, reaching an estimated total of $8.085 billion. Consumer spending increased by approximately $633 million, or 8.5%, from 2016 — the strongest US sales growth for herbal supplements in more t...

Actividad biológica de tres Curcuminoides de Curcuma longa L. (Cúrcuma) cultivada en el Quindío-Colombia
Biological activity of three curcuminoids from Curcuma longa L. (turmeric) grown in Quindío, Colombia

Rev. cuba. plantas med; 22 (1), 2017
Introducción: Curcuma longa L. es una planta de la familia Zingiberaceae distribuida en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales, utilizada en la industria alimentaria, en medicina y en cosmética. Su colorante principal es la curcumina, un polifenol con múltiples efectos medicinales. Objetivos: obtener...