Results: 81

Enamel subsurface caries-like lesions induced in human teeth by different solutions: a TMR analysis

Braz. dent. j; 31 (2), 2020
Abstract This study assessed the effectiveness of models for developing subsurface caries lesions in vitro and verified mineral changes by transverse microradiography (TMR). Enamel blocks from permanent (n=5) and deciduous teeth (n=5) were submitted to lesion induction by immersion in demineralizing solu...

Efeito do dentifrício com alta concentração de flúor na desmineralização do esmalte dental relacionado à microdureza

Rev. bras. odontol; 77 (1), 2020
Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade do dentifrício de alta concentração de F na diminuição do processo de desmineralização do esmalte. Material e Métodos: Foram confeccionadas trinta amostras de esmalte bovino, as quais foram lixadas, polidas e obtida a microdureza (Knoop) inicial. As amostras foram ...

Avaliação de agente clareador para uso profissional contendo trimetafosfato e fluoreto sobre a alteração de cor, penetração trans-amelodentinária, dureza e citotoxicidade: estudo in vitro

O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a adição de trimetafosfato de sódio (TMP) e / ou fluoreto de sódio (NaF) ou gluconato de cálcio (CaGlu) a um gel clareador de peróxido de hidrogênio 35% (H2O2) sobre a alteração de cor, microdureza do esmalte, penetração e citotoxicidade transamelodent...

Influence of salivary conditioning and sucrose concentration on biofilm-mediated enamel demineralization

J. appl. oral sci; 28 (), 2020
Abstract The acquired pellicle formation is the first step in dental biofilm formation. It distinguishes dental biofilms from other biofilm types. Objective To explore the influence of salivary pellicle formation before biofilm formation on enamel demineralization. Methodology Saliva collection was a...

White spots on tooth enamel in mixed dentition

Braz. dent. sci; 23 (3), 2020
Aim: To determine the prevalence, predisposing factors of white spots on enamel and the effectiveness of treatment using the microabrasion technique. Method: A study was developed in children between the ages of 6 and 12 of both genders, enrolled in municipal public schools. Ep...

Sports supplement induces dental structure corrosion: an in vitro pilot study

Dietary supplements are being consumed with an increasingly high frequency among sports practitioners, whether at professional and/or amateur level. The supplements contain some nutritional properties in their composition, so they can dissolute the hydroxyapatite crystals of the enamel and favor the proc...

Diagnostics of non-carious lesions of dental hard tissues with the methods of optical spectroscopy and radiography

Braz. dent. sci; 23 (2), 2020
Objective: This work aims to use new spectroscopic and radiographic methods to study the dental hard tissue erosion and abfraction, as these lesions are actually quite difficult to be diagnosed in clinical practice. Material and Methods: This in vivo study was conducted on 60 patients with early erosion ...

Desenvolvimento, caracterização e determinação do efeito anticárie de dentifrícios contendo micropartículas e nanopartículas de isômero β de glicerofosfato de cálcio (CaGP): estudos in vitro e in situ

O objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de isômeros β de Glicerofosfato de cálcio (β-CaGP) microparticulado e nanoparticulado adicionados a dentifrícios convencionais (1100 ppm F) sobre o processo de desmineralização do esmalte in vitro e remineralização ...

Efficacy of fluoride associated with nano-hydroxyapatite in reducing enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets: in situ study

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess in situ the effect of fluoride associated with nano-hydroxyapatite for the prevention of demineralization of the enamel adjacent to orthodontic brackets. Material and Methods: Eight volunteers wore palatal devices prepared with 6 bovine enamel blocks (5x5x2 mm) with bonded...

Effect of fermented milk with kefir grains on the in vitro demineralization of bovine tooth enamel

Actual. osteol; 15 (3), 2019
The dental caries is a progressive destruction of the teeth tissue due to the disbalance in the normal molecule interactions between the enamel and the bio!lm, which alters the demineralization-remineralization process. Milk fermentation produces caseinphosphopeptides with proved remineralizing capacity ...