Results: 619

Analysis of the Internal and External Morphology of the Mandibular First Molar in a Chilean Sub-Population Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

Int. j. morphol; 41 (4), 2023
SUMMARY: The mandibular first molar (MFM) commonly presents two roots with two canals in the mesial root and one or two canals in the distal root. However, morphological variations have been described in different populations, which must be considered when planning endodontic treatment. The aim of this s...

Evaluación de hábitos de medicación sistémica de odontólogos especialistas y no especialistas en endodoncia ante patologías pulpares en Argentina
Evaluation of systemic medication habits of specialists and non-specialists dentists in endodontists in relation to different pulp pathologies in Argentina

Objetivo: Determinar los hábitos de medicación sistémica de odontólogos especialistas y no especialistas en endodoncia ante diferentes patologías pulpares previos al tratamiento en- dodóntico en Argentina. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó una encuesta para evaluar la prescripción de anti...

Resistencia a la fractura de premolares superiores con tratamientos de endodoncia por accesos conservador y tradicional
Resistance to Fracture of Upper Premolars with Endodontic Treatment by Conservative and Traditional Access

Rev. cuba. estomatol; 60 (2), 2023
Introducción: Las piezas dentarias luego de tratamiento de endodoncia aumentan su susceptibilidad a la fractura, lo que está asociado, principalmente, con la pérdida de la estructura dental. Objetivo: Evaluar in vitro, la resistencia a la fractura de premolares superiores con tratamientos de endodonci...

Asociación entre calidad del tratamiento endodóntico y periodontitis apical, evaluada mediante Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico en una población colombiana

Univ. salud; 25 (1), 2023
Introducción: La prevalencia de periodontitis apical en dientes con tratamiento endodóntico oscila entre el 35 y el 60%, se ha encontrado una fuerte asociación con respecto al grado de inflamación sistémica generada por la periodontitis apical, como por ejemplo altos niveles de citoquinas proinflama...

Tratamento endodôntico em dente permanente traumatizado com rizogênese incompleta: relato de caso

Os traumatismos dentários representam um problema de saúde pública devido à alta prevalência e impacto psicossocial, sendo muito frequentes em crianças podendo resultar em necrose pulpar e culminar na rizogênese incompleta de dentes permanentes. Nestes casos de traumatismos em dentes permane...

Endodontia guiada: tecnologia aplicada na resolução de tratamentos de canais calcificados

As calcificações pulpares provocam alterações morfológicas no interior dos canais radiculares que dificultam o tratamento endodôntico. Para solucionar essa dificuldade, a ferramenta Endoguide ou Endodontia Guiada foi desenvolvida para a resolução de casos complexos. Esta pesquisa objetivou descre...

Calcium hydroxide diffusion after agitation of endodontic irrigants: an ex vivo study

Braz. j. oral sci; 22 (), 2023
Aim: To compare the influence of two methods of agitation of endodontics irrigants, by diffusion of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] through the dentinal tubules, measuring the pH of the medium where they were kept. Methods: Twenty mandibular incisors were prepared using a WaveOne Gold Large file, in a recipr...

Evaluation of Dental Interns' Perception and Self-Confidence Levels Regarding Endodontic Treatment"- A Questionnaire Study

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the perception and self-confidence of Dental interns regarding endodontic treatment performed on patients. Material and Methods: A total of 111 dental interns from 5 different educational institutes of a state in South India participated in a questionnaire-based survey. ...

The effectiveness of EDTA 17% as a cleaning solution for the fiber post space after filling with cements

Braz. j. oral sci; 22 (), 2023
Aim: To evaluate the resistance of the union between a glass fiber post and radicular dentine after cleaning the root with 17% EDTA and filling with different endodontic cements. Methods: Forty uniradicular bovine incisors were removed to obtain root lengths of 18 mm. Endodontic treatment was performed o...

Biomimetics and the restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

Braz. dent. sci; 26 (1), 2023
Although much progress has been obtained in terms of the Endodontic treatment, the literature shows that true success can be only achieved with adequate coronal seal to avoid bacterial contamination, and protect the tooth structure from fracture. There are many options available to the clinician to res...