Results: 85

Síndrome de Pearson en un niño trasplantado debido a anemia de Diamond-Blackfan

Arch. argent. pediatr; 119 (5), 2021
El síndrome de Pearson (SP) comparte varias características con la anemia de Diamond-Blackfan (ADB), incluida la anemia grave de inicio temprano, por lo que es importante hacer un diagnóstico diferencial. El diagnóstico diferencial de la ADB y el SP es fundamental, ya que los pacientes con AD...

Covid-19 and surfing: problems, strategies and solutions for surfers

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (1), 2021
ABSTRACT The pandemic caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has changed the routine of surfers, professionals and all those involved in surfing. This unusual global crisis has caused major organizational, financial and social disruption for surfers, coaches, federations and fans. The world of sports, ...

Children's Multisystem inflammatory syndrome with myopathy

Abstract This report describes a case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in a child that evolved with a pattern of toxic shock syndrome with coronary artery ectasia and neurological involvement, documented by magnetic resonance imaging, with changes in the corpus callosum and myopathy in the pelvic gir...

Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders and its Correlation with Stress and Salivary Cortisol Levels among Students

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in students and to evaluate if any relationship existed between the stress levels, salivary cortisol levels, and TMD. Material and Methods: A total of 348 students, 187 female, and 161 male students, participated in thi...

The relevance of anti-Jo-1 autoantibodies in patients with definite dermatomyositis

Adv Rheumatol; 61 (), 2021
Abstract Background: To assess the prevalence and clinical relevance of anti-Jo-1 autoantibodies in a representative sample of patients with definite dermatomyositis (DM). Methods: This retrospective cohort study took place from 2005 to 2020 and assessed 118 adult patients from a tertiary center who we...

Avances en el empleo del ultrasonido muscular en miopatías inflamatorias
Advances in the use of muscle ultrasound in inflammatory myopathies

Rev. cuba. reumatol; 22 (3), 2020
Aunque los métodos de imágenes aún no se han introducido en los criterios de clasificación de la miositis, el uso de imágenes musculares en la evaluación de las miopatías inflamatorias idiopáticas (MII) ha crecido a lo largo de los años. Las diferentes técnicas de imagen han demostrado ser úti...

Collagen I and III ratios and tenacity of rats muscle injured and treated with platelet-rich plasma

Int. j. morphol; 38 (5), 2020
SUMMARY: Severe muscle injuries are common in accidents and have a delayed recovery of muscle integrity. In these cases, muscle suture surgery is the standard treatment. However, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), has been widely used in orthopedic injuries due to its growth factors. Thus, the objective of the ...

Vasculitis with a neuromuscular presentation and associated cancer revealed by autopsy

Autops. Case Rep; 10 (2), 2020
Peripheral neuropathy is common, but rarely due to vasculitis. This report is the case of a 74-year-old woman with systemic vasculitis who presented with progressive arm and leg weakness associated with numbness. Autopsy revealed a colon cancer, which may have triggered the vasculitis. This case illustra...

Métodos de diagnóstico en el estudio de las Miopatías Inflamatorias Autoinmunes: Datos del Registro Argentino de Miopatías Inflamatorias de la Sociedad Argentina de Reumatología

Las Miopatías Inflamatorias Autoinmunes (MI) comprenden un grupo de enfermedades heterogéneas con presentación y características clínicas variables. Se distinguen subtipos clínicos como Polimiositis (PM), Dermatomiositis (DM), Miositis por cuerpos de Inclusión (MCI), Miopatía Necrotizante Inmunom...