Results: 75

Human fusariosis: An emerging infection that is difficult to treat

Abstract Fusarium spp. has been associated with a broad spectrum of emerging infections collectively termed fusariosis. This review includes articles published between 2005 and 2018 that describe the characteristics, clinical management, incidence, and emergence of these fungal infections. Fusarium solan...

Experimental Frog Virus 3 infection using Brazilian strain: amphibians susceptibility

An alarming number of global warnings concerning amphibian mortality outbreaks have been released in recent years. Emerging diseases stand out as the main potential causes. Ranavirus is a worldwide-spread highly infectious disease capable of affecting even other ectothermic animals such as fish and repti...

Anisákidos y anisakidosis: generalidades y su actualidad en Colombia. Revisión bibliográfica

Iatreia; 33 (2), 2020
RESUMEN La anisakidosis es una parasitosis ocasionada por nematodos de la familia Anisakidae, causa-da por el consumo de pescado parasitado con larvas infectivas (L3) de estos nematodos. En Europa y Asia es un problema de salud pública. Sin embargo, en Colombia y en general en los países de América de...

Is Plague Globally Reemerging?: [Editorial]

Infectio; 23 (1), 2019
Emerging and reemerging diseases are cause of concern for the World Health Organization (WHO). On February 2018, WHO releases its list of priority pathogens that have the potential to cause a public health emergency, given that for them there is no, or is insufficient, countermeasures, such as drugs and ...

West nile virus infections are here! are we prepared to face another flavivirus epidemic?

Abstract Emerging arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses), such as chikungunya and Zika viruses, are a major threat to public health in countries like Brazil where biodiversity is high and medical care is sometimes precarious. West Nile fever is a disease caused by the West Nile Virus (WNV), an RNA virus b...

Reemerging diseases in Brazil: sociodemographic and epidemiological characteristics of syphilis and its under-reporting

Abstract INTRODUCTION: This paper analyzed sociodemographic and epidemiological data of individuals with syphilis as well as the compulsory reporting of the disease, for being a reemerging disease in Brazil. METHODS: General information and sociodemographic, epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory d...

Vigésima Sexta Alerta de sarampión en Venezuela: La letalidad por sarampión es 67 veces mayor en población de etnias indígenas
Twenty-sixth Measles Alert in Venezuela: Measles lethality is 67 times higher in population of indigenous ethnicities

Med. interna (Caracas); 35 (2), 2019