Results: 54

Los equinodermos de El Salvador depositados en colecciones científicas

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introducción: El valor de las colecciones científicas radica en que los registros están vinculados directamente a especímenes físicos permitiendo conocer los avances en taxonomía, biogeografía e historia evolutiva de las especies. En El Salvador, las colecciones científicas están representadas e...

Equinodermos de Isla La Roqueta de Acapulco, Guerrero, México

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introducción: Guerrero es el cuarto Estado más biodiverso en México, ejemplo de ello, es la riqueza de equinodermos habitantes en sus costas, alberga el mayor número de especies en comparación con los estados del Pacífico Sur Mexicano, presenta 135 especies, mientras que Oaxaca 94 y Chiapas 15. El ...

Feeding habits of Holothuria (Stauropora) fuscocinerea (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in a Mexican Pacific reef

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introduction: The importance of holothuroids in marine ecosystems is related to their feeding activities, which have been little studied in the eastern Pacific. Objective: To describe the feeding habits of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Stauropora) fuscocinerea and their bioturbation potential in La Entreg...

Cytocentrifugation as an additional method to study echinoderm coelomocytes: a comparative approach combining living cells, stained preparations, and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introduction: Echinoderm coelomocytes have traditionally been investigated through a morphological approach using light microscopy, which relies on the idea of constant cell shape as a stable character. However, this can be affected by biotic or abiotic conditions. Objective: To analyze if the consistenc...

Variabilidad en el tamaño y alimentación de Acanthaster planci (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) en el sur del Golfo de California, México

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introducción: Es poco lo que se conoce sobre aspectos biológicos y poblacionales de Acanthaster planci en México. Su tamaño se ha relacionado con la cantidad de alimento que consume, por lo que es relevante conocer esta variable. Objetivo: Describir la variabilidad en el diámetro del disco de la esp...

Annotated checklist for the Gorgonocephalidae family (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from the National Echinoderm Collection "Dra. Ma. E. Caso M." of the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introduction: The order Euryalida is represented by fragile ophiuroids with long and slender arms that can be ramified. Species within the family Gorgonocephalidae are characterized by the presence of tiny hooklets on the dorsal aspect of their arms. There are very few published studies referring to spec...

Morfología y crecimiento relativo en Clypeaster europacificus (Clypeasteroida: Clypeasteridae) del Golfo de California

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introducción: Clypeaster europacificus es una especie de galleta de mar que se distribuye de 0 a 200 m en el Golfo de California. Objetivo: Describir la morfología y el crecimiento relativo en la testa de C. europacificus. Métodos: Medimos 1 846 especímenes de museo de C. europacificus (N = 1 846) y ...

Área de conservación Guanacaste Echinoderms, North Pacific of Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introduction: The study of the marine diversity of the North Pacific of Costa Rica began with isolated foreign expeditions in the 1930s and was systematically developed in the mid-1990s by the Center for Research in Marine Sciences and Limnology, Universidad de Costa Rica, as consequence there are now a ...

Checklist of invertebrates and conspicuous fishes in rocky reefs and Sargassum beds in the North Pacific of Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introduction: The marine biodiversity is well known in some areas and for some marine ecosystems of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The marine sector of Área de Conservación Guanacaste, in the North Pacific of the country, is a priority area for conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity. Objecti...

New hosts and morphological data for the star pearlfish Carapus mourlani (Ophidiiformes: Carapidae) from collections made in the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (supl. 2), 2021
Introduction: The family Carapidae includes about 40 species of marine fishes distributed in coastal habitats worldwide. The family includes some free-living species, however, most of them are found as commensal inquilines or parasites of marine invertebrates, including several echinoderm species. In the...