Results: 200

Decrease of the DXR-induced genotoxicity and nongenotoxic effects of Theobroma cacao revealed by micronucleus assay

Braz. j. biol; 81 (2), 2021
This study evaluated the genotoxicity of lyophilized glycolic extract of Theobroma cacao Linné seeds (TCL), using the micronucleus assay in bone marrow of mice. The interaction between TCL and doxorubicin (DXR) was also analyzed. Experimental groups were evaluated 24-48 h after treatment with N-Nitroso-...

Perspectivas recientes del análisis morfológico automatizado en eritrocitos
Recent perspectives of the automated morphological analysis of erythrocytes

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd; 40 (supl.1), 2021
Introducción: La anemia drepanocítica es una anomalía genética hereditaria de la hemoglobina, que se caracteriza por la presencia de glóbulos rojos que pierden su forma redonda característica y adquieren forma de hoz. Aunque aún no tiene cura definitiva, se desarrollan varias acciones con el prop...

Dosagem do magnésio eritrocitário: Qual é o seu real valor?

O magnésio é um cátion de localização predominantemente intracelular e de grande importância em várias funções metabólicas. É possível que tenha uma participação importante em processos álgicos e inflamatórios. Sua dosagem sérica possivelmente não representa a realidade de sua concentra...

Erythrocyte phenotyping for feline AB system in domestic cats from the Ilhéus-Itabuna microregion, Bahia, Brazil

Pesqui. vet. bras; 41 (), 2021
This study aimed to determine the erythrocyte phenotypes of the feline AB system and to check the presence of antigens other than those present in the feline AB system in domestic cats from Ilhéus-Itabuna microregion, Bahia, Brazil. Three-hundred feline blood samples were collected at the Veterinary Hos...

Cost of chronic red blood cell transfusion in the Brazilian private healthcare sector from a payer perspective

Objective: In the private healthcare sector in Brazil, the dearth of information regarding transfusion cost may compromise the management of conditions requiring long-term transfusion. Therefore, the present study aimed to estimate the cost of chronic red blood cell (RBC) transfusion in this context. Met...

Subgrupos A1, A2 y AINT en donantes efectivos del banco de sangre materno infantil CNS La Paz – Bolivia

Cuad. Hosp. Clín; 61 (2), 2020
Además del sistema ABO, los subgrupos del mismo revisten gran importancia en inmunohematología, Los subgrupos A difieren tanto en el número de sitios antigénicos como en la configuración del antígeno eritrocitario. Los principales, A1 y A2 se diferencian en que los eritrocitos A1 son aglutinados po...

Mortality in civilian trauma patients and massive blood transfusion treated with high vs low plasma: red blood cell ratio. Systematic review and meta-analysis

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 48 (3), 2020
Abstract Introduction: Massive bleeding in civilian trauma patients leads to dilutional coagulopathy. Transfusion with high plasma:red blood cell (RBC) ratio has been effective in reducing mortality in war trauma patients. However, in civilian trauma the evidence is controversial. Objective: To assess ...

Trichinella spiralis y Trichinella patagoniensis: estudio de la carga globular aplicando el método de Azul Alcian

Resumen Los residuos de ácido siálico de las glicoproteínas de superficie son los principales responsables de la carga negativa eritrocitaria. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar alteraciones de carga globular producidas por Trichinella spiralis y Trichinella patagoniensis. Se trabajó con concen...

Performance of a Hematological Scoring System in Predicting All-Cause Mortality in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

Abstract Background: The presence of nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) and increases in mean platelet volume (MPV) and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in peripheral circulation are associated with poorer prognosis in patients with acute coronary disease. Objective: We developed a scoring system fo...