ABSTRACT Objective: To prospectively analyze changes in the frequency of individual food consumption of adults/elderly people according to different food insecurity outcomes over time. Methods: Population-based longitudinal study carried out in 2011 (358 individuals) and 2014 (301 individuals) in a mun...
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the trend and seasonality of cerebrovascular mortality rates in the adult population of Brazilian capitals from 2000 to 2019. METHODS This is an ecological and descriptive study of a time series of mortality due to cerebrovascular causes in adults (≥ 18 years) liv...
The objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal variance of the content and chemical composition of the essential oil from Lantana camara accessions at two harvest times, and to analyze the trypanocidal activity on Phytomonas serpens. Essential oil content ranged from 0.13 to 0.29% in the rai...
The biological activities attributed to Lippia origanoides Kunth. vary according to the chemical composition of its essential oil, which can be related to weather factors. The aim of this research was the seasonal study of the essential oil chemical composition taken from L. origanoi...
A dengue é uma doença dolorosa e debilitante transmitida por insetos da espécie Aedes aegypti. Ela é definida como uma doença viral que, nos últimos anos, se espalhou vertiginosamente por todas as regiões tropicais e subtropicais do planeta. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e discutir o ...
Chenopodium ambrosioides conhecida como mastruço, é utilizado na medicina tradicional para tratamento de ascaridíase; controle de artrópodes e pragas domésticas; inibição do desenvolvimento de fungos do solo e de insetos, tratamento de lesões cutâneas e alívio da dor de barriga e gripe. O objet...
Introducción: Infecciones moderadas, severas y/o profundas del territorio maxilofacial (ITM) constituyen un desafío de gran relevancia en los centros hospitalarios de alta complejidad. Objetivo: Actualizar esta epidemiología de resolución quirúrgica bajo anestesia general, en pabellón central trata...
Lippia integrifolia
"incayuyo" is an aromatic, sub
woody shrub used in popular medicine,
aperitit drinks and compound herb
s. Its choleretic, antispasmodic, biocidal, antibacterial and larvicidal
activity has been proven. The objective of the work was to regi...