Results: 96

O papel dos líderes diante da pandemia de Covid-19

RECIIS (Online); 15 (2), 2021
A atuação de líderes de diversos países pode ser determinante no enfrentamento de uma pandemia, como a de Covid-19. De acordo com suas posturas, entrevistas e discursos, há maneiras diferentes de se encarar a crise de saúde e suas consequências em cada local afetado. Com o intuito de demonstrar co...

COVID-19 en la Región Caribe Colombiana: un análisis documental

Resumen Introducción: El impacto social y sanitario que ha generado la pandemia COVID-19 a nivel global permite repensar aspectos de vigilancia epidemiológica y comunicación en tiempos de crisis. Objetivo: Describir el comportamiento de la pandemia COVID-19 en los departamentos y distritos especiale...

The costs and benefits of duality: Colombia's decentralization and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Abstract Colombia's duality between the relative strength of the central government and the broad process of decentralization towards subnational and local governments has shaped the country's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Substantial tensions have arisen between the national and subnational governm...

How does a populist government interpret and face a health crisis? Evidence from the Mexican populist response to COVID-19

Abstract In 2020, governments were faced with addressing the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, without certainty about what would work best to reduce the health crisis without ruining the economy. Through all the uncertainty, national governments based their responses to COVID-19 on beliefs ...

Multi-level governance tackling the COVID-19 pandemic in China

Abstract This paper investigates China's leadership over intergovernmental and private actions in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and identifies sectors, levels, and roles played. The main argument is that successful control over the pandemic depends on effective and integrated leadership at different lev...

Atores, espaços e instrumentos de governança na Rede de Atenção à Saúde Bucal

Este artigo buscou analisar a relação entre atores, espaços e instrumentos de governança da rede de Atenção à Saúde bucal em uma região de saúde do Paraná. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, no qual foram realizadas 13 entrevistas semiestruturadas, utilizando-se a técnica de amostragem "bola de ...

The Colombian Political Agendas Project: analysing presidential attention during the administrations of Uribe and Santos (2002-2018)

Abstract This article has two interrelated objectives: to introduce the Colombian Political Agendas Project (COL-PAP) and offer an exploratory example of the applications of its databases. As a prelude, we describe some characteristics of the Colombian political system and the presidents analyzed. The st...

Agenda dynamics in Latin America: theoretical and empirical opportunities

Abstract The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) collects, organizes, and makes freely available millions of bits of information concerning the objects of government attention over long periods of time (often back to the Second World War) for more than 25 political systems, worldwide. As researchers affili...

Por qué Cuba no tiene DOI?
Why Cuba don´t have DOI?

El sistema de Identificador de Objetos Digitales (DOI, por sus siglas en inglés) se originó a finales de la década de 1990, a partir de una iniciativa conjunta de tres asociaciones comerciales de la industria editorial (International Publishers Association; International Association of Scientific, Tec...