Results: 89

Waist-to-height ratio is as reliable as biochemical markers to discriminate pediatric insulin resistance

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (4), 2019
Abstract Objective: Given the importance of incorporating simple and low-cost tools into the pediatric clinical setting to provide screening for insulin resistance, the present study sought to investigate whether waist-to-height ratio is comparable to biochemical markers for the discrimination of insuli...

Transferencia de intervalos de referencia en Valencia-Venezuela

El objetivo de la presente investigación consistió en revisar si los valores de referencia producidos por la industria de diagnóstico in vitro eran transferibles a una determinada población. Para este estudio fueron analizadas muestras de suero de una población de 23 individuos. El análisis de las ...

Bajos niveles de colesterol de HDL y alto riesgo de enfermedad autoinmune. Dos estudios poblacionales de cohorte con 117.341 individuos incluidos.

Antecedentes. HDL es cuantitativamente la lipoproteína más importante en la mayoría de las especies y la evidencia mecanicista sugiere que HDL tendría un papel en la función inmunológica normal. Probamos la hipótesis que sugiere que las concentraciones plasmáticas de HDL están asociadas con el r...

Proposition of decision limits for serum lipids in Brazilian children aged one to 13 years

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (2), 2019
Abstract Objective: To determine decision limits for total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides in healthy children and adolescents from Cuiabá, Brazil. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 1866 healthy children and adolescents randomly selected...

Tendências temporais da prevalência de Helicobacter pylori em Itajaí - SC: um estudo retrospectivo de 25 anos baseado em banco de dados endoscópicos

Arq. gastroenterol; 56 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is strongly associated with the development of gastric adenocarcinoma. Currently, the prevalence in developed countries is 40%, but this value increases considerably in developing countries, which can reach rates bigger than 90%. OBJECTIVE: The o...

Correlação entre a circunferência do pescoço e resistência a insulina em pacientes com DHGNA

Arq. gastroenterol; 56 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Insulin resistance, especially that induced by obesity, plays a central role in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Although the evaluation of overweight patients is important, the nutritional assessment tools used in clinical practice have limitations. Neck circu...

Inflammatory markers are beneficial in the early stages of cerebral venous thrombosis

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 77 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Cerebral vein thrombosis (CVT) is a rare but serious cause of acute stroke. Inflammation is a hypothetical etiological factor in CVT. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate inflammatory marker levels in CVT patients and compare these with healthy individuals. Methods: This prospectiv...

Consumption of animal-based and processed food associated with cardiovascular risk factors and subclinical atherosclerosis biomarkers in men

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To evaluate the frequency of food consumption in apparently healthy men and their association with cardiovascular risk factors and biomarkers of subclinical atherosclerosis. METHODS In this observational study, 88 men had their food standard obtained through the food frequency quest...

Prevalence, treatment, and control of dyslipidemia in diabetic participants of two brazilian cohorts: a place far from heaven

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE Diabetes is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular mortality. Over the last years, mortality has decreased significantly, more in individuals with diabetes than in healthy ones. That is mostly due to the control of other cardiovascular risk factors. The objective of our study was...

Lipid profile and statin use in critical care setting: implications for kidney outcome

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 17 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine whether pre-hospital statin use is associated with lower renal replacement therapy requirement and/or death during intensive care unit stay. Methods: Prospective cohort analysis. We analyzed 670 patients consecutively admitted to the intensive care unit of an academic t...