Results: 61

La helmintología según la filosofía de la ciencia de Imre Lakatos

Salud colect; 13 (1), 2017
RESUMEN A pesar de que en distintas ramas de la biología se ha utilizado la filosofía de la ciencia de Lakatos, no se ha hecho esto con la helmintología. Aquí utilizamos su metodología de programas de investigación científica (PIC) para reconstruir la historia de la disciplina en cuestión. Sosten...

Notas para una Historia de la Higiene tomadas de la Biblia

Rev. chil. infectol; 33 (4), 2016
Reading once more the Gospels, we found a discussion between Jesus and the Pharisee about the hand washing, this golden rule of medicine, and then, with the help of Thomas Mann, we began a search for other notes on hygiene in the Bible. For the return from Egypt to the Promised Land, Moses established se...

Historia de la escrófula: de la discrasia humoral a la consunción

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (4), 2016
The term “scrofula” was used for a long time to designate a chronic swelling of cervical lymph nodes. This paper outlines the prevalent ideas on the nature, pathogenesis and the treatment of this disorder, from classical Greek medicine up to the 18th century. A Hippocratic treatise regarded scrofula as...

Evolución de la teoría y las prácticas en el control de las enfermedades transmitidas por vector

Salud pública Méx; 57 (6), 2015
La configuración de los modelos conceptuales de la salud pública encuentran vínculos con el avance en el conocimiento de las ETV. El establecimiento de los imperios coloniales, el surgimiento de las intervenciones sanitarias a gran escala, la creación de organismos internacionales, la participación ...

Absence of Non-Carious Cervical Lesions (NCCLs) in a Chilean Pre-Columbian Sample with Severe Occlusal Tooth Wear

This study evaluates the non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) and the occlusal tooth wear in a pre-Columbian sample (n= 67, adults) from San Pedro de Atacama (North of Chile, 400-1300 BCE). The cervical regions of tooth were observed for loss of enamel and/or dentine in order to identify them as NCCLs an...

Os hospitais universitários federais e suas missões institucionais no passado e no presente

A definição de hospital universitário (HU) pressupõe a integração de ensino, pesquisa e assistência. Considerando essas atividades componentes da missão dos HUs, buscou-se analisar, na perspectiva dos gestores, como se configuram nessas instituições, na fundação e no presente. Para tanto, for...

Evolution of the concept of dystonia

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 72 (7), 2014
The term dystonia was proposed by Hermann Oppenheim in 1911, but reports of cervical dystonia are finding since the Roman Empire. The differentiation of the dystonia between a neurological and a psychiatric disease turned a lot. Sometimes was proposed, further, the exclusion of the dystonia as a differen...