Results: 39

The influence of mode of delivery on neonatal and maternal short and long-term outcomes

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of mode of delivery on breastfeeding incentive practices and on neonatal and maternal short and long-term complications. METHODS: A cohort study was conducted between June 2015 and April 2016 with 768 puerperal women from 11 maternities in Sergipe, interviewed...

Prevalência de incontinência urinária durante a gestação

Durante a gestação, o corpo da mulher transforma-se para adaptar-se a um novo ser que está sendo gerado. Dentre as mudanças orgânicas, as que ocorrem no sistema urinário são destacadas neste estudo, em especial a incontinência, pelo fato de, mesmo que mínima, poder ser vivenciada de forma dramá...

Urinary tract infection: a cohort of older people with urinary incontinence

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate epidemiological aspects of urinary tract infection in older patients with urinary incontinence living in long-term care institutions in Belo Horizonte. Method: Concurrent cohort held from April 1st to October 1st, 2015. The study was conducted in two long-term care instit...

Prevalencia de incontinencia urinaria en el posparto
Prevalence of urinary incontinence in postpartum

Introducción: la incontinencia urinaria como factor etiológico de las disfunciones del suelo pélvico constituye un área de interés creciente en la investigación epidemiológica. Si bien no se tienen cifras chilenas que aporten mayor información de la realidad, se pueden extraer importantes datos m...

Eficácia e segurança da colpopexia sacroespinhal vaginal e da sacrocolpopexia abdominal para tratamento do prolapso uterino: um estudo randomizado

Resumo: INTRODUÇÃO: A correção do prolapso apical pela técnica de sacrocolpopexia abdominal (SCA) tem excelentes resultados, mas alta morbidade. A fixação sacroespinhal vaginal (FSV) tem boa eficácia, mas aumento de prolapsos de parede anterior. O uso de tela, pode diminuir esse prolapso. OBJETIV...

Diabetes and vaginal surgery are associated with mixed urinary incontinence in patients treated in a tertiary unit of Rio de Janeiro public healthcare system

Clin. biomed. res; 37 (3), 2017
Introduction: Urinary incontinence (UI) is prevalent in women, and the frequency of its clinical subtypes varies according to the population studied and the choice of diagnostic criteria. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of the most common subtypes – stress urinary incontinence (S...

Urinary incontinence in hospital patients: prevalence and associated factors

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the prevalence of urinary incontinence and its associated factors in hospital patients. Method: this is a cross-sectional epidemiological study whose data were collected using the instruments Sociodemographic and Clinical Data, Characteristics of Urinary Leakage and Inte...

Prevalence and factors associated with urinary incontinence in climacteric

SUMMARY Objective: To estimate the prevalence and identify associated factors to urinary incontinence (UI) in climacteric women. Method: In a cross-sectional study with a stratified random sample, 1,200 women aged between 35 and 72 years were studied, enrolled in the Family Health Strategy in the city ...

Enuresis and overactive bladder in children: what is the relationship between these two conditions?

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (4), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: Evaluate clinical aspects associated with the presence of nocturnal enuresis (NE) in children with a diagnosis of overactive bladder (OAB). Material and Methods: A data base of 200 children who were evaluated by a structured questionnaire was analysed retrospectively . OAB was defin...

Risk factors for postpartum urinary incontinence

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (2), 2016
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate the risk factors for postpartum urinary incontinence (UI) and its characteristics. METHOD: This was a case-control study with 344 puerperal women (77 cases and 267 controls) with up to 90 days postpartum. In a single session, participants were given a questionnaire w...