Resumo O artigo analisa as compras de medicamentos para hepatite C, feitas pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS), de 2005 a 2015. Os dados são do Sistema Integrado de Administração de Serviços Gerais (SIASG). Para estimar o gasto contratado anual selecionou-se medicamentos previstos nos Protocolos Clínico...
Resumo Relato de um caso clínico de Xeroderma Pigmentoso com carcinoma espinocelular de conjuntiva bilateral que apresentou regressão importante das dimensões tumorais com o uso de Interferon alfa-2b tópico. Relato de caso: Paciente feminina com Xeroderma Pigmentoso em estágio avançado, com ausênc...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) gastric infection is a main cause of inflammatory changes and gastric cancers. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was finding the effects of curcumin on oxidative stress and histological changes in chronic gastritis associated with H. pylori. METHODS ...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Recent studies have questioned the recommendation of abstinence from alcohol for at least 6 months for alcoholic patients to be treated for hepatitis C. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to assess the impact of alcohol consumption among patients undergoing hepatitis C treatment. ...
ABSTRACT In this systematic review, we evaluated studies involving adjuvant and primary topical treatment for ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN). The findings were: (i) adjuvant 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) reduces the risk of relapse after surgical excision with mild side effects [level Ib, grade of reco...
ABSTRACT Background The effectiveness of antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C is far from ideal and presents several adverse events. Among such events, there is the depressive episode that can even lead to treatment discontinuity Objective Analyze the incide...
Os autores apresentam o caso de um paciente de 45 anos, assintomático, portador de HCV genótipo 3a, com baixos títulos de HCV-RNA pré-tratamento e baixo grau de fibrose, submetido ao tratamento com interferon e ribavirina, e que obteve resposta virológica sustentada (RVS), com HCVRNA indetectável s...