Results: 706

Assessing the Attitude and Practices of Dental Surgeons Towards Periodontal Health After the COVID-19 Outbreak

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the orientation of dental practitioners in understanding the probable relationship between COVID-19 and periodontal infection and the measures they took toward periodontal health during the pandemic. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was co...

Bibliometric Study of Publications on Eruption of Deciduous and Permanent Teeth

ABSTRACT Objective: To perform a bibliometric analysis on deciduous and permanent eruption publications to discuss the global trends and prospects on the topic. Material and Methods: A systematic search was conducted on the Scopus database. The characteristics of the publications, including co-cited au...

Análise de artigos sobre o teste de apercepção temática (TAT) no Brasil

Psicol. ciênc. prof; 44 (), 2024
O Teste de Apercepção Temática (TAT) é um instrumento projetivo usado para avaliação da personalidade. Devido ao aumento da utilização do TAT no Brasil em diferentes contextos, percebeu-se a necessidade de realizar uma revisão narrativa. Objetiva-se analisar a produção científica de estudos e...

Evaluation of dental trauma associated with cycling accidents in a city in the south of Brazil: an observational study

Aim: to evaluate the cyclists’ profile and the frequency of dental trauma associated with cycling in a southern city in Brazil. Materials and Methods: a questionnaire was applied to 234 cyclists with at least 18 years old. The variables of interests were: sociodemographic data, data related to the prof...

Cobertura vacinal e taxa de abandono nas capitais do nordeste brasileiro entre 2018 e 2022

Rev. Ciênc. Plur; 9 (3), 2023
Introdução: O Programa Nacional de Imunizações presente na Atenção Primária à Saúde coordena o processo de imunização e o torna mais eficaz, porém esse sistema enfrenta problemas como a falta de acesso à internet e desabastecimento de imunizantes, que prejudic...

Validez de apariencia y racionalidad de una metodología para estudiar la causalidad en salud
Appearance and rational validity of a methodology to study causality in health

Medicentro (Villa Clara); 27 (4), 2023
Introducción: Es objetivo fundamental de la medicina, determinar las causas que producen las enfermedades; para llevar a cabo este estudio, a finales del siglo XX se emplearon técnicas estadísticas multivariadas confiables en el análisis simultáneo de diferentes variables independientes sobre un des...

Ansiedad y depresión en pacientes post-COVID-19 en primer nivel de atención
Anxiety and depression in post-COVID-19 patients at the primary level of health care

Rev. ADM; 80 (6), 2023
Introducción: durante diciembre de 2019 se identificó en Wuhan, China, un nuevo coronavirus, denominado SARS-CoV-2 por el Comité Internacional de Taxonomía de Virus. Después de haber presentado esta enfermedad se han encontrado secuelas como ansiedad y depresión. Objetivo: determinar el nivel d...

Estudio in vitro del ajuste de supraestructuras pasivadas sobre implantes múltiples
In vitro study of the adjustment of passivated suprastructures on multiple implants

Objetivo: Comparar dos procedimientos de soldadura convencionales empleando una aleación de Cr-Co, para co- nectar barras coladas seccionadas a ser fijadas sobre implantes. Materiales y métodos: A partir de un modelo maes- tro que representa un maxilar desdentado con cuatro implan- tes, s...

Use of Research in the Nursing Practice: from Statistical Significance to Clinical Significance

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (3), 2023
Objective. Within the context of evidence-based practice, this article exposes the reflection on the understanding and usefulness of the information provided by the research findings shared in reports and research publications, exposing differences based on the interpretation o...

Social skills, behavioral problems, and academic competence of students with intellectual disabilities

Psico USF; 28 (4), 2023
This study had as general objective to characterize and associate social skills, behavior problems, and academic competence of students with intellectual disabilities in school inclusion and; as specific objectives to verify predictive values for social skills and differences between groups diagnosed wit...