Results: 54

Microhardness and Ultrastructure of Demineralized Gamma-Irradiated Human Enamel after Diode Laser (980 nm) and Fluoride Surface Treatment

Abstract Quality of life drastically diminished after radiotherapy due to radiation induced oral complications. Fluoride was found to be helpful in decreasing the incidence of radiation caries; however it has not led to elimination of dental caries. Thus, new techniques containing low fluoride concentrat...

Influence of photobiomodulation therapy on root development of rat molars with open apex and pulp necrosis

Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the role of photobiomodulation (PBM) in apexification and apexogenesis of necrotic rat molars with an open apex. Rat molars were exposed to the oral environment for 3 weeks. Canals were rinsed with 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA, filled with antibiotic paste and sealed. Aft...

Efeitos do laser de diodo de alta potência e da fotobiomodulação em dentes de ratos reimplantados tardiamente

Resumo Introdução A busca por protocolos efetivos para reduzir a incidência de reabsorções radiculares e favorecer a reparação do ligamento periodontal perdido ainda representa um grande desafio, tendo em vista o prognóstico desfavorável dos reimplantes dentais tardios. Objetivo Avaliar, por m...

Effect of diode laser irradiation on the bond strength of polymerized non-simplified adhesive systems after 12 months of water storage

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objectives: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the bonding strength of non-simplified dentin bonding systems (DBS) to dentin irradiated with a diode laser (970 nm) immediately and after 12 months of water storage following either primer or bond application. Material and methods: Th...

Aplicación del Láser de Baja Potencia (LLLT) en Pacientes Pediátricos: Revisión de Literatura a Propósito de una Serie de Casos

RESUMEN: El uso del láser de baja potencia en odontología está siendo cada vez más frecuente y con excelentes resultados, los equipos más modernos traen pre-establecidos la dosimetría de los parámetros para las diferentes acciones clínicas. El objetivo de esta revisión fue encontrar evidencia ci...

Micropulse laser trabeculoplasty for uncontrolled open angle glaucoma in Peruvian patients

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 77 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: We describe the pressure lowering effect of micropulse laser trabeculoplasty (MLT) in patients with uncontrolled open angle glaucoma (OAG). Design: Retrospective case series. Methods: We retrospective reviewed 30 eyes with Open angle Glaucoma (OAG) at the Vista Clinic in Lima, Peru. A...

Effects of the photobiomodulation using different energy densities on the periodontal tissues under orthodontic force in rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Abstract To evaluate the impact of the GaAlAs diode laser with energy densities of 160 J/cm2, 320 J/cm2, and 640 J/cm2 on the periodontal tissues under continuous orthodontic force application and on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement in rats with type-2 diabetes mellitus. The intensity of primary al...

Effect of intracanal diode laser application and low-level laser therapy on CGRP change

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a placebo, intracanal diode laser application, and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the change of the total amount of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) (split-mouth study design). GCF sampling wa...

Short term histopathological effects of GaAlAs laser on experimentally induced TMJ osteoarthritis in rabbits

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the biostimulation (BS) effect of the gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs) diode laser by histopathology with an experimental osteoarthritis (OA) model in the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) of rabbits, in the early period. GaAlAs diode laser is used for pain r...

Immediate laser-induced hemostasis in anticoagulated rats subjected to oral soft tissue surgery: a double-blind study

Abstract Given the growing trend towards medical indications for continuous use of anticoagulants, the number of patients on these medications continues to rise. The management of patients on oral anticoagulants requiring oral surgical procedures has aroused much controversy. Changes in an anticoagulatio...