Results: 69

Influence of the composition and shades of ceramics on light transmission and degree of conversion of dual-cured resin cements

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objective Since the transmittance of ceramics can influence the degree of conversion (DC) of resin cements, ceramics composition and shade should be considered in the selection of resin cement. This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the effect of the transmittance of different composition, opac...

Comparison of in vivo and in vitro models to evaluate pulp temperature rise during exposure to a Polywave® LED light curing unit

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objectives: To measure and compare in vivo and in vitro pulp temperature (PT) increase (ΔTEMP) over baseline, physiologic temperature using the same intact upper premolars exposed to the same Polywave® LED curing light. Methodology: After local Ethics Committee approval (#255,945), local...

Effect of radiant exposure and UV accelerated aging on physico-chemical and mechanical properties of composite resins

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Currently, there is no consensus in terms of defining the minimum radiant exposure values necessary for achieving adequate properties of composite resin. In addition, the long-term influence that radiant exposure has on the properties of composite resins is still questionable. Objective: The obj...

Irradiance and radiant exposures delivered by led light-curing units used by a left and right-handed operator

Braz. dent. j; 29 (3), 2018
Abstract The combination of the restoration location, the hand preference of the operator using the light-curing unit (LCU), and the design of the LCU all can have an impact on the amount of the light delivered to the restoration. To evaluate the effect of left-handed or right-handed users, the position ...

Light curing resin cements containing iodonium salts promote suitable apical bonding of posts to radicular dentin

Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the efficiency of experimental light-curing resin cements (ERCs) with a ternary photo-initiator system containing diphenyliodonium hexafluorphosphate (DPI) and different amines on retention of glass-fiber posts to dentin (GFP). ERCs formulations: a 1:1 mass r...

Multiple-peak and single-peak dental curing lights comparison on the wear resistance of bulk-fill composites

Abstract: The effects of tooth brushing could affect the long-term esthetic outcome of composite restorations. This study evaluated the effect of two different emission spectrum light-curing units on the surface roughness, roughness profile, topography and microhardness of bulk-fill composites after in v...

Effect of different bonding protocols on degree of monomer conversion and bond strength between orthodontic brackets and enamel

Abstract The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments and polymerization protocols on the bond strength of brackets to enamel, and the degree of conversion of the bonding agents. 120 bovine crowns were embedded in acrylic resin blocks and sanded. Next, the...

Influence of curing protocol and ceramic composition on the degree of conversion of resin cement

J. appl. oral sci; 25 (6), 2017
Abstract Due to increasing of aesthetic demand, ceramic crowns are widely used in different situations. However, to obtain long-term prognosis of restorations, a good conversion of resin cement is necessary. Objective: To evaluate the degree of conversion (DC) of one light-cure and two dual-cure resin c...

Impact of Material Shade and Distance from Light Curing Unit Tip on the Depth of Polymerization of Composites

Braz. dent. j; 28 (5), 2017
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the composite shade and distance from the light-curing unit (LCU) tip on the irradiance reaching the bottom of composite disks and on the depth of polymerization. Composites of three shades (opaque - OXDC, bleach - BXL, and A2) were inserted into molds ...

Does laser diode irradiation improve the degree of conversion of simplified dentin bonding systems?

J. appl. oral sci; 25 (4), 2017
Abstract Simplified dentin-bonding systems are clinically employed for most adhesive procedures, and they are prone to hydrolytic degradation. Objective This study aimed to investigate the effect of laser diode irradiation on the degree of conversion (DC), water sorption (WS), and water solubility (WSB...