Results: 165
Compresión medular
Expresiones cutáneas del paciente con cáncer
Síndrome mediastinal
Control y seguimiento cardiovascular en pacientes en tratamiento oncológico
Radioterapia para el tratamiento del dolor óseo de causa oncológica
Abordaje integral del paciente con cáncer: atención desde la medicina y especialidades
Comprehensive approach to cancer patients: care from medicine and specialties
Enfoque del hipo intratable en el paciente con cáncer: Revisión de la literatura
Rev. chil. anest; 51 (2), 2022
Approximately 80% of episodes of hiccups or singultus involve unilateral contraction of the right hemidiaphragm and typically follow an inspiratory peak. The pathophysiologic mechanism is not entirely clear. The hiccup centers are thought to be located in the hypothalamus, reticular formation, brain stem...
Manejo de las hemorragias en el enfermo oncológico avanzado
Rev. chil. anest; 51 (4), 2022
Hemorrhage in the advanced or terminal cáncer patient represents a distressing and complex situation in the palliative care setting, potentially leading to death of the patient due to massive loss of circulating volume. Although it is a relatively rare event, it is an urgent and distressing clinical pro...