Results: 277

Brain Tumor Heterogeneity

Arq. bras. neurocir; 40 (3), 2021
Tumor heterogeneity is the concept that different tumor cells provide distinct biomorphological lesions, gene expressions, proliferation, microenvironment and graduated capacity of metastatic lesions. Brain tumor heterogeneity has been recently discussed about the interesting interaction of chronic infla...

Comprehensive quality assurance for intracranial radiosurgery treatments using a postal system

Radiosurgery is a high-precision technique for delivering, in most cases, a single highly conformal dose to a stereotactically localized target. It can be indicated for small intracranial injury treatment, using either multiple sources of 60Co (γ rays) or high energy photon beams produced by linear acce...

Evaluation of progesterone receptor expression in low- and high-grade astrocytomas

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Gliomas are tumors originating from glial cells. Gliomas are the most common primary neoplasms of the central nervous system, with astrocytomas being the most prevalent glioma subtype. Progesterone regulates several reproductive processes, such as ovulation and sexual behavior, and in...

Utility of Intraoperative Ultrasound in Neurosurgery

Arq. bras. neurocir; 40 (2), 2021
Objective The purpose of the present study is to demonstrate the usefulness of intraoperative ultrasound guidance as a technique for the assessment, in real time, of tumor resection and as a navigation aid during intra-axial brain lesion removal on patients admitted in the Neurosurgical Department at the...

Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma with Oligodendroglioma-Like Areas with Negative 1p19q Co-Deletion

Arq. bras. neurocir; 40 (2), 2021
The most common mixed glioma encountered in routine surgical practice is oligoastrocytoma (OA); however, its is currently considered a vanishing entity. The 2016 classification of the World Health Organization (WHO) discourages the diagnosis of tumors as mixed glioma. The recommendations are that diffuse...

Características sociodemográficas en cuidadores principales de pacientes operados de cáncer de cerebro
Socio-demographic characteristics in primary caregivers of patients with brain cancer surgery

Rev. medica electron; 43 (3), 2021
RESUMEN Introducción: la atención al enfermo es llevada a cabo por una secuencia específica de la familia, por lo que esta es considerada un cuidador principal. Objetivo: describir las características sociodemográficas en cuidadores principales de pacientes operados de cáncer de cerebro. Mater...

Caracterización clínica, epidemiológica y anatomopatológica de los tumores cerebrales supratentoriales y su morbilidad posanestésica
Clinical, Epidemiological and Anatomopathological Characterization of Supratentorial Brain Tumor and its Post-Anesthetic Morbidity

Introducción: Los tumores cerebrales no son frecuentes, pero tienen efectos devastadores. Objetivo: Caracterizar según criterios clínicos y anatomopatológicos a los pacientes con tumor cerebral supratentorial. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional y descriptivo de casos clínicos en el p...

Manejo quirúrgico de ependimomas en médula cervical: A propósito de un caso clínico
Surgical management of ependymomas in the cervical spine: Apropos of a clinical case

Rev. argent. neurocir; 35 (2), 2021
Introducción: los ependimomas son tumores cerebrales que surgen de células ependimarias, células de soporte en el cerebro y la médula espinal. Representan entre el 2 y el 3% de todos los tumores cerebrales primarios. Son el cuarto tumor cerebral más común en los niños, donde el 90% de los mismos s...

Evaluación de la actividad cerebro-cerebelar cruzada para determinar la lateralidad del lenguaje en pacientes con tumores cerebrales

Rev. méd. Chile; 149 (5), 2021
Background: The crossed cerebro-cerebellar (CCC) activation facilitates the diagnosis of cortical language lateralization, but needs to be explored with language tasks suitable for patients with different age ranges, educational attainment and eventual presence of language deficits. Aim: To determine the...