The use of pasture is the most economical alternative for feeding ruminants. However, most pastures in Central Brazil are experiencing some degree of degradation. Crop-livestock integration has been shown to be a sustainable and viable alternative for the recovery of these degraded areas. The objective o...
Copper is an essential micromineral in animal feed; however, when consumed in excess, it can cause liver necrosis, hemolytic crisis, hemoglobinuric nephrosis and death in cattle. Although uncommon in this species, copper poisoning occurs as a result of exacerbated supplementation, deficiency of antagonis...
Enrichment plantings into secondary forest are an important option in restoring species diversity and ecosystem services. However, little attention has been given to environmental requirements for species performance. This study evaluated the effects of lightgaps and topographic position on the growth an...
Shade-tolerant forest species are among the most susceptible to habitat loss in agricultural mosaics, where a variety of croplands is connected to forests at different levels of anthropogenic disturbance. We aimed to evaluate the community similarity of shade-tolerant species among different land use typ...
Introducción: Debido a su extensión actual, la biomasa radicular de los pastizales tropicales es de vital importancia para el almacenamiento del carbono terrestre, pero su estimación ha sido principalmente indirecta y con un rango muy amplio de valores. Objetivo: Documentar a nivel nacional y mundial,...
Introducción: Se utilizan quemas como parte del manejo de pastos introducidos en Chiapas, lo cual puede derivar en incendios forestales. Objetivos: obtener la carga de combustibles, comportamiento del fuego, emisiones de CO2 y derivar aspectos de seguridad durante el combate de incendios en pastizales y...
Acid reactions and low available phosphorus in tropical soils limit forage yield. The aim was to evaluate soil chemical characteristics pH, P and Mg, forage nutritive values, critical soil and plant P levels and the residual effect of each source. The experiment was in a greenhouse with a Rhodic Haplusto...
ABSTRACT Soil carbon sequestration refers to the process of transferring carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere into the soil. The objective of this research was to do a simulation of how soil management factors in pastures can contribute to mitigate climate change by reducing soil CO2-eq emissions due...
Dióxido de Carbono,
Secuestro de Carbono,
Cambio Climático,
Cloruro de Potasio,
Ejercicio de Simulación,
Objetivou-se avaliar o poder preditivo do modelo do National Research Council (NRC) para gado leiteiro em estimar o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) por vacas mestiças, em pastagens tropicais. Foi efetuada uma análise conjunta de cinco estudos, contemplando três forrageiras. Foram avaliadas 132 estimati...
Avaliou-se o uso da análise fractal como ferramenta na determinação de padrões na escala de pastejo em pastagens naturais submetidas a diferentes manejos. Os tratamentos testados em Santa Maria foram: pastejo com queima, pastejo sem queima, exclusão com queima, exclusão sem queima. Em Bagé, os tra...