Results: 48

Nickel-titanium instruments in endodontics: a concise review of the state of the art

Braz. oral res. (Online); 32 (supl.1), 2018
Abstract: The introduction of automated instrumentation in endodontics represented a major advance in progress for this specialty, with improvements in the quality and predictability of root canal preparation and a significant reduction in procedural errors. In recent years, endodontic instruments have u...

Root canal preparation using micro-computed tomography analysis: a literature review

Braz. oral res. (Online); 32 (supl.1), 2018
Abstract: This literature review has critically analyzed the published research related to the biomechanical preparation of root canals with three-dimensional analysis using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). In December 2017, six databases (PubMed, Cochrane, Web of Science, Embase, Scopus, and Scienc...

A novel ultrasonic tip for removal of filling material in flattened/oval-shaped root canals: a microCT study

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a novel ultrasonic tip as an auxiliary method for removing filling material from flattened/oval-shaped canals. The null hypothesis tested was that this method does not influence removing the filling material in flattened/oval-shaped canals. ...

Debris extrusion and foraminal deformation produced by reciprocating instruments made of thermally treated NiTi wires

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Objective To evaluate the amount of apically extruded debris, percentage of foraminal enlargement and apical foramen (AF) deformation that occurred during root canal preparation with different reciprocation systems: Reciproc, WaveOne (M-Wire), and ProDesign R (Shape Memory Technology Wire) at t...

Effect of ultrasound streaming on the disinfection of flattened root canals prepared by rotary and reciprocating systems

J. appl. oral sci; 25 (5), 2017
Abstract New technical and scientific developments have been advocated to promote the success of the endodontic treatment. In addition to rotary and reciprocating systems, irrigating solution agitation has been suggested and passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) is the most used. Objective: To evaluate, in...

Penetración Dentinaria in vitro del Hipoclorito de Sodio a Diferentes Concentraciones con las Técnicas de Irrigación Convencional y Ultrasónica Pasiva

RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue comparar la penetración dentinaria in vitro entre las concentraciones de hipoclorito de sodio (NaClO) al 5 % y al 2,5 % con técnicas de irrigación convencional e irrigación ultrasónica pasiva. Este fue un estudio transversal, prospectivo y experimental. ...

Effectiveness of various irrigation protocols for the removal of calcium hydroxide from artificial standardized grooves

J. appl. oral sci; 25 (3), 2017
Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of laser-activated irrigation (LAI), XP-endo Finisher, CanalBrush, Vibringe, passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), and conventional syringe irrigation systems on the removal of calcium hydroxide (CH) from simulated root canal irregu...

Influence of NiTi alloy on the root canal shaping capabilities of the ProTaper Universal and ProTaper Gold rotary instrument systems

J. appl. oral sci; 25 (1), 2017
Abstract Objective This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the NiTi wire in Conventional NiTi (ProTaper Universal PTU) and Controlled Memory NiTi (ProTaper Gold PTG) instrument systems on the quality of root canal preparation. Material and Methods Twelve mandibular molars with separate mesial c...

Assessment of rotary and reciprocating movements in root canal filling material removal

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of preparation, filling removal material, reinstrumentation and reobturation of root canals with different Ni-Ti alloys in endodontic retreatment. Firstly, the selection and pairing of mesial root canals of mandibular molars (n = 45) were performed by com...

Influence of root dentin treatment on the push-out bond strength of fibre-reinforced posts

Abstract This study evaluates the influence of root dentin treatment with NaOCl alone and combined with EDTA, with and without ultrasound activation, on the push-out bond strength (BS) of fiber-reinforced posts in weakened roots, cemented with RelyX or Panavia. The root canals of 42 maxillary canines wer...