Results: 41

Comparative study of oral and salivary parameters in patients with and without loss of bone mass

Abstract Osteoporosis is an insidious and increasingly prevalent disease that can cause fractures and affect patients' quality of life. The current study comparatively evaluates patients with and without loss of bone mass in terms of salivary calcium, viscosity, and pH. A controlled cross-sectional study...

A SERM increasing the expression of the osteoblastogenesis and mineralization-related proteins and improving quality of bone tissue in an experimental model of osteoporosis

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Raloxifene is an antiresorptive drug, selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) used in the treatment of osteoporosis. Objective To evaluate proteins related to bone repair at the peri-implant bone in a rat model of osteoporosis treated with raloxifene. Material and Methods 72 rats were div...

Espectrometría de masas MALDI-TOF: evaluación de la etapa preanalítica para la identificación de hongos miceliales
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: Evaluation of the preanalytical phase for identification of molds

Rev. argent. microbiol; 49 (1), 2017
Se evaluaron 3 metodologías de extracción de proteínas para la identificación de hongos miceliales por MALDI-TOF MS en 44 aislados: la extracción con agua-ácido fórmico (E. agua), la extracción con zirconio-etanol-acetonitrilo-ácido fórmico (E. zirconio) y la recomendada por el proveedor del eq...

Relação entre adiposidade, perfil energético, proteínas inflamatórias e lesões osteoarticulares em equinos jovens sobre diferentes sistemas de criação

Pesqui. vet. bras; 37 (2), 2017
Os atuais sistemas de criação de equinos estão associados às dietas ricas em carboidratos que resultam em sobre peso e acúmulo de gordura em animais ainda muito jovens. Nesses animais com sobre peso submetidos exercício físico intenso há aumento na incidência de osteoartrite juvenil e outras afe...

Protective effect of milk against dental demineralization: understanding the mechanisms

This study aimed to answer the following questions: 1) does whole fluoridated milk protect more against enamel and dentin erosion than fat-free fluoridated milk? 2) does the protective effect of fluoridated milk against erosion follow a dose-response relationship? 3) is the treatment with whole or fat-fr...

Proteomic analysis of liver in mice with different susceptibilities to fluorosis

Fluoride (F) is a potent anti-cariogenic element, but only an appropriate dose is effective to have therapeutic action, else systemic toxicity may be observed. Additionally, two factors, amount of F and time of exposure, drive its action. Surprisingly, the susceptibility to toxic effects of F is genetica...

Caracterização do secretoma de cepas de Xylella fastidiosa

As doenças causadas pelo fitopatógeno Xylella fastidiosa, uma bactéria Gram-negativa, devem-se aos seus múltiplos fatores de virulência, tais como formação de biofilme, secreção de enzimas de degradação da parede celular do xilema (CWDE), expressão de proteínas de adesão e produção de ves...

Modificações em proteínas induzidas por compostos eletrofílicos. possível papel em esclerose lateral amiotrófica

Danos em biomoléculas podem ocorrer a partir de uma interação direta entre as biomoléculas e espécies reativas de oxigênio e nitrogênio como também, pela reação de produtos secundários dessas espécies como eletrófilos gerados na peroxidação lipídica. Alguns desses produtos secundários po...

BPI-fold (BPIF) containing/plunc protein expression in human fetal major and minor salivary glands

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine expression, not previously described, of PLUNC (palate, lung, and nasal epithelium clone) (BPI-fold containing) proteins in major and minor salivary glands from very early fetal tissue to the end of the second trimester and thus gain further insight into th...

Total protein composition of young and adult Biomphalaria alexandrina snails with different compatibilities to Schistosoma mansoni infection

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Abstract:Schistosomiasis remains a disease of major global public health concern since it is a chronic and debilitating illness. The widely distributed Schistosoma mansoni that causes intestinal schistosomiasis represents a great threat. Its world-wide distribution is permitted by the broad geographic ra...