Results: 57

Religious/spiritual coping and level of hope in patients with cancer in chemotherapy

ABSTRACT Aim: To demonstrate the relationship between religious/spiritual coping and hope in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Method: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study with a quantitative approach performed in a reference outpatient clinic in Caruaru, PE, between August and October 2...

Construction and validation of an instrument for nursing consultation in outpatient chemotherapy

ABSTRACT Objective: Construct and validate instrument content for nursing consultation in an adult chemotherapy outpatient clinic. Method: Methodological study composed of two stages: elaboration of the instrument and validation of content. A literary review of the dimensions of customer care was carri...

Rebuilding subjectivity from the experience of cancer and its treatment

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the social representations of chemotherapy and the experiences built by people with cancer. Method: Descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection occurred between August and December 2016, through interviews with 29 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy...

A review on medicinal plants used for treating ototoxicity and acoustic trauma induced hearing loss

Hearing loss induced by chemotherapy and acoustic trauma is mainly associated with two factors, free radical formation and apoptosis pathway activation. Despite numerous efforts on reducing the effects of these factors, no definite strategy is still determined to interfere with and control these processe...

Tratamento endovascular da síndrome de quebra-nozes: relato de caso

A dor pélvica crônica é uma doença debilitante, com impacto na qualidade de vida e custos para os serviços de saúde. A síndrome de quebra-nozes é uma importante causa dessa dor, e se refere a um conjunto de sinais secundários à compressão da veia renal esquerda, mais comumente entre a artéria...

Infarto agudo do miocárdio com supra de ST: trombólise em qualquer local que a medicação esteja disponível

As doenças cardiovasculares, especialmente, o infarto agudo do miocárdio, são responsáveis pela primeira causa de óbito em nosso país. Baseando-se em sua fisiopatogenia e nos fatores de risco envolvidos, a taxa de mortalidade, em 30 dias, varia de 3-5% em centros avançados e quase 30% naqueles cuj...

Angina instável e infarto agudo do miocárdio sem supradesnivelamento de ST: tratamento e prognóstico

Objetivo: As doenças cardiovasculares são responsáveis pela principal causa de óbitos na população adulta mundial, sendo a síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA) a mais prevalente entre elas. Resultados: Sabemos que hoje, do ponto de vista epidemiológico, a coronariopatia aguda sem supradesnivelamento ...

Peritoneal carcinomatosis treated with cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy

ABSTRACT Introduction: To evaluate the combined treatment with cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis arising from colorectal cancer, pseudomyxoma peritonei and mesothelioma. Methods: Data were obtained from 73 patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis arisin...

Evolução no tratamento da doença coronária estável - mais fisiológico, menos invasivo

Ao longo das décadas, alguns conceitos mudaram radicalmente a respeito do tratamento clínico da doença arterial coronariana (DAC). Inicialmente focado na redução dos sintomas isquêmicos, hoje a otimização da terapêutica clínica é fundamental para a redução de eventos cardiovasculares. No mes...

Managing febrile neutropenia in adult cancer patients: an integrative review of the literature

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the interventions performed by health professionals with a view to managing chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia. Method: Integrative literature review, the sample of 12 primary articles was selected from the following databases: LILACS, SciELO, BVS, PubMed, CINAHL an...