La cirugía de los terceros molares retenidos puede ser considerada una intervención de rutina para el cirujano bucomaxilofacial. Como todo procedimien-to quirúrgico, puede presentar complicaciones intra y postoperatorias. Las más frecuentes son el dolor, edema, trismus, hemorragia y fracturas de las ...
SUMMARY: Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT) imaging technique can be used for identifying the root canal anatomy and its use in determining sexual dimorphism. The aim of current study was to identify the commonly found root canal morphology and gender dimorphism for mandibular pre-molars in Western...
ABSTRACT: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a 3D imaging technique widely used in maxillofacial diagnosis. The grayscale value (GSV) is a number that represents the amount of attenuation of the X-ray beam by the material contained in each voxel or structural unit of the tomographic volume. Similarl...
Background: It is essential that the dentist understand the positional variations of the mental foramen to perform different types of dental procedures. This study was conducted to identify the position of the mental foramen among the Saudi population of Al Hasa. Material and Methods: According to the se...
Os objetivos deste estudo foram: a) avaliar o sucesso clínico e por tomografia
computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) após 18 meses do retratamento em sessão
única (RU) e múltiplas sessões (RM); b) monitorar carga (UFC/mL) e perfil microbiano;
níveis de endotoxinas (EU/mL) e de ácido lipoteicói...
Objetivo: este estudo avaliou a acurácia e confiabilidadedas medidas lineares em exames detomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico(TCFC), em dois softwares, utilizando diferentesvoxels e variando o posicionamento da mandíbula.Material e Métodos: 10 imagens de TCFC demandíbulas humanas com 25 ponto...
Soft tissue calcifications can indicate the presence of more serious, potentially life-threatening pathologies. Therefore, their study can lead to an early diagnosis of those conditions that have not yet become clinically apparent. Main objective: To determine the prevalence of calcifications in soft tis...
Objective: The objective of the study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of cone beam computed tomography and three intraoral radiographic systems in the detection of in vitro caries lesions. Material and Methods: One hundred teeth (46 molars and 54 premolars) were evaluated, including 176 proximal s...
SUMMARY: To explore a new semi-automatic method to segment the teeth from the three-dimensional volume data which acquired from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner. Scanned dental cast models are used to evaluate the segmentation accuracy. The CBCT data are loaded to ORS software. Based on gray ...
RESUMO Introdução: Exostose é um crescimento ósseo benigno que comumente acomete a mandíbula e a maxila, porém raramente apresenta grandes dimensões. Objetivo: Descrever um caso de exostose palatina de apresentação rara e discutir os principais aspectos clínicos envolvidos. Relato de caso:...