Results: 25

Management of pancreatitis and pancreatic: fluid collections

Acute pancreatitis is a constant management challenge, especially with peripancreatic collection that are one of the most common complications; after the first surgical attempts that had high mortality, there had to be a new approach based in decades of acquired knowledge in physiopathology added to the ...

Tratamiento quirúrgico o conservador para fracturas de cóndilo mandibular

Medwave; 18 (7), 2018
INTRODUCCIÓN: Las fracturas maxilofaciales se asocian a importante morbilidad, pérdida de función y secuelas estéticas, entre otros. Dentro de las fracturas mandibulares, las fracturas de cóndilo mandibular son las más frecuentes. Estas pueden ser tratadas mediante un tratamiento quirúrgico (red...

Use of vitamin D and infection in patients with chronic kidney disease

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.6), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation as protection factor against infection of patients with chronic kidney disease on conservative treatment. Method: Retrospective cohort study carried out between 2013 and 2016 in the Conservative Treatment Outpatient Clinics ...

Hematoma após raquianestesia tratado conservadoramente: relato de caso e revisão da literatura
Conservative treatment of hematoma after spinal anesthesia: case report and literature review

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 57 (2), 2007
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Durante a realização de anestesia espinal existe o risco de ocorrer sangramentos. A compressão do tecido nervoso, secundária à formação de hematoma, pode determinar o surgimento de lesão neurológica que se não for diagnosticada e tratada a tempo pode ser permanente. A...

La esplenectomía segmentaria sobrepasa los pronósticos
The segmentary splenectomy exceeds the prognoses

Rev. cuba. cir; 42 (4), 2003
Sesenta pacientes a los que se les realizó esplenectomía total por ruptura traumática del bazo, sin lesiones asociadas, ni enfermedades concurrentes, fueron comparados con 60 a los que se les efectuó una esplenectomía segmentaria reglada, pero no gozaron de los criterios de selección antes menciona...