Results: 540

Mindfulness, mindful eating e comer intuitivo na abordagem da obesidade e transtornos alimentares

OBJETIVO: realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura acerca do papel das intervenções baseadas em mindfulness, mindful eating e comer intuitivo na abordagem do sobrepeso e obesidade e dos transtornos alimentares. MÉTODO: para esta revisão foram consultadas as bases PubMed, PePSIC, PsycINFO, LILA...

Riesgo de trastorno de la conducta alimentaria y uso de redes sociales en usuarias de gimnasios de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 49 (3), 2020
RESUMEN Introducción: No son muchos los estudios sobre la prevalencia y los factores asociados (p. ej., uso de redes sociales) con los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) en Colombia. De particular interés son este tipo de estudios en población femenina que asiste regularmente a gimnasios. ...

Dietary intake of tyrosine and phenylalanine, and p-cresyl sulfate plasma levels in non-dialyzed patients with chronic kidney disease

J. bras. nefrol; 42 (3), 2020
ABSTRACT Background: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) present an imbalance of the gut microbiota composition, leading to increased production of uremic toxins like p-cresyl sulfate (PCS), product from bacterial fermentation of the amino acids tyrosine (Tyr) and phenylalanine (Phe) from the di...

Relación entre Estado Nutricional e ingesta dietética con pérdida de dientes en pacientes con hipertensión en Padongko Health Centro de la regencia de Barru
Relationship between Nutritional Status and Dietary Intake with Tooth Loss on Hypertension Patients at Padongko Health Center of Barru Regency

Prensa méd. argent; 106 (7), 2020
Objective: The biggest problems of oral and dental health in Indonesia are the ignorance on the dental and oral hygiene leading to tooth loss, so can highly affect the nutritional status and dietary intake. To discover the relationship between the tooth loss and the hypertension case at Padongko health c...

Efecto de la ingesta de galletas fortificadas con sangre bovina en hemoglobina de niños anémicos
Effects of Infesting Cookies Fortified with Bovine Blood in the Hemoglobin of Anemic Children

Rev. cuba. enferm; 36 (3), 2020
Introducción: La anemia infantil es un problema de salud pública que afecta el desarrollo fisiológico e intelectual del niño. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la ingesta de galletas fortificadas con sangre bovina en los niveles de hemoglobina de niños anémicos. Métodos: Estudio cuasi experiment...

Consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados por trabalhadores: um estudo transversal

Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o consumo regular de alimentos ultraprocessados por trabalhadores. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com uma amostra representativa dos funcionários da universidade da cidade de Criciúma, Santa Catarina, por meio da aplicação de questionário incluind...

Can oral nutritional supplements increase energy and protein intake among hospitalized patients?

Rev. chil. nutr; 47 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Background: Oral nutritional supplements aim at offsetting dietary deficits and helping to meet energy and protein targets. Due to the absence of data about their role in food intake, it is necessary to evaluate the contribution of these products to the estimated needs of hospitalized patients....

Impulsivity influences food intake in women with generalized anxiety disorder

Objective: Eating behavior is affected by psychological and neurocognitive factors. However, little is known about this relationship in anxious patients. Our aim was to investigate the associations between impulsivity, inhibitory control, energy-dense food consumption, and body mass index (BMI) in women ...

¿Qué comemos? Análisis de la relación entre condiciones socioeconómicas y productos alimentarios de los hogares colombianos

Resumen Introducción: los hogares consumen (o no) los alimentos que sus condiciones socioeconómicas les permiten (o no). Objetivo: analizar los productos que consumen los hogares colombianos a partir de sus condiciones socioeconómicas. Metodología: 1. Análisis descriptivo y 2. Análisis de Cluste...

Consensus among experts on healthy eating and diet quality index

Abstract The article aims to achieve a consensus about Healthy Eating and Diet Quality Index to enable a validation study on the Diet Quality Index. Experts were identified among authors of articles published from 2010 to 2015 that presented the key worlds healthy eating index and diet quality index. The...