Results: 5033

Treatment of post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders after kidney transplant with rituximab and conversion to m-TOR inhibitor

Colomb. med; 47 (4), 2016
Abstract Background: Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders are serious complications of organ transplantation which treatment is not yet standardized. Objective: To describe the clinical response, overall and graft survival of patients in our center with this complication after kidney tran...

Efecto del aliskireno sobre la angiogénesis en modelo de membrana alantocoriónica (MAC) de pollo

Int. j. morphol; 34 (4), 2016
La acción antiangiogénica de los inhibidores del receptor de angiotensina II (ARA II), ha sido documentada previamente, sin embargo, no ha sido descrita la relación entre angiogénesis e inhibidores directos de la renina (DRIs), los cuales participan regulando el sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosteron...

Isolation of breast cancer stem cell from MDA-MB231 cell line using vincristine

Int. j. morphol; 34 (4), 2016
Cancer has been considered as a stem cell disease. Suspension culture combined with anti-cancer drugs has recently been proposed for isolation of cancer stem cells (CSCs). In the current study, Vincristine as an anti-cancer drug combined with suspension culture was used for isolation and purification of ...

Effect of cigarette smoking on the structure of hepatocytes: TEM study

Int. j. morphol; 34 (4), 2016
The liver is one of the major organs that is indirectly affected by cigarette smoke. The aim of this project is to define the histologic and ultrastructural changes in normal liver cells after exposing animals to cigarette smoke. Thirty albino rats were exposed to cigarette smoke for 90 days, followed by...

Expression and distribution of kinin B2 receptor in medulla and spinal cord tissues of Rats treated with capsaicin

Int. j. morphol; 34 (4), 2016
Kinins are vasoactive peptides that promote pain and inflammation, yet centrally believed to participate to cardiovascular defensive reflexes produced by noxious stimuli. These peptides signal through the activation of two transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors named B1 and B2 receptors (B1R and B2R)....

Eficacia de la hidroxiapatita en la cicatrización de injertos oseos e implantes dentales: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

La hidroxiapatita (HA) es un componente mineral del hueso. Se ha comercializado la HA sintética o aloplástica en forma porosa o no porosa, densa y reabsorbible o no reabsorbible. Se utiliza como injerto óseo dada sus propiedades osteoconductivas y estimuladoras de proliferación celular generando así...

Estudio radiográfico de la asociación de antioxidantes y bifosfonatos en remodelación ósea peri-Implantaria

Estudios previos han demostrado que los bisfosfonatos son potentes inhibidores de la resorción ósea. El aceite de oliva (O) es rico en ácidos grasos monoinsaturados con potentes propiedades anti-oxidantes. El objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar el efecto del tratamiento de alendronato (AL) y pamidro...

Copper nanoparticles as potential antimicrobial agent in disinfecting root canals: a systematic review

Copper was registered as the first solid antimicrobial material. Its availability makes it an important option as an antibacterial agent. At nanoparticle size it does not exceed 100 nm, allowing close interaction with microbial membranes, enhancing its effect even more. Copper generates toxic hydroxyl ra...

Efecto letal agudo de los insecticidas en formulación comercial Imidacloprid, Spinosad y Thiocyclam hidrogenoxalato en obreras de Bombus atratus (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Resumen:Los efectos de los insecticidas sobre las abejas han cobrado gran atención a nivel mundial, sin embargo, son pocos los estudios sobre el efecto de estos agroquímicos en abejas Neotropicales. Bombus atratus es una especie neotropical, distribuida ampliamente en los Andes y es considerado un poli...

Insecticidal activity of neem oil against Gyropsylla spegazziniana (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) nymphs on Paraguay tea seedlings

Braz. j. biol; 76 (4), 2016
Abstract Gyropsylla spegazziniana (Paraguay tea ampul) is one of the most important pests of Paraguay tea plants, and prohibition of synthetic insecticide use for control of this pest has led to the search for alternative methods. This laboratory study aimed to compare different control strategies for G....